
Rubber Duckie Aaawwwws

This year we told Mama we would put  up with Rubber Ducky Day photo shoots this year on one condition.....

No posing in the bath tub!!

Mama agreed...as long as we didn't mind her "transporting" us near water.

We told her as long as we didn't get wet, we didn't care where she posed us, BOL!

Happy Birthday Rubber Duckie!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the 
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


  1. ooh that looks su super sweet... fortunately no water included LOL... and now the mama sings da rubber duckie song in our ears.. help!!!

  2. Hari OM
    Sounds like you made good negotiations and a pawsitive compromise! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. That is a lot of rubber duckies. We have one but we rarely see it around and we don't want anything to do with bathtubs either.

  4. we love the transported rubber duckies and you both look like you were not to impressed with the posing for the transport. you still look toooo cute

  5. OMDs Nieces Rosy and Sunny Aunty adores your precious poses, bandanas and OH those hair bows. What lucky duckies to be able to pose with you.
    Hugs AC

  6. You two are so cute with your rubber duckies. We didn't know it was their birthday.

  7. That certainly works! You both look so cute with your rubber duckies!

  8. Awww, you two are so adorable with all those rubber ducks. So precious and you're so cute.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to the pups and my very best to your wonderful peeps. ♥

  9. I am sure the ducks appreciated it too. Living in the tub is like being stuck in an aquarium tank.

  10. You two are adorable with your little ducky pals!

  11. Chaplin: "You ladies are looking ..."
    Charlee: "Don't say it."
    Chaplin: "... just ducky!"
    Charlee: *smacks Chaplin upside the head*

  12. I love it! For years I wanted a rubber ducky and no one believed me, so I went and got myself one.


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