
Squirrel Shenanigans on Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

Welcome to Backyard Wildlife Wednesday, that day of the week we let Mama share some footage  TC(our Trail Camera) has taken in our backyard. 

With the birdy fountain closed for the Winter, Mama has moved TC to a spot under the bird feeders. We were sitting next to Mama when we saw the following footage......

Can you BELIEVE that sneaky squirrel? 

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


  1. ooihhh that would be our stage...what a fun we had...

  2. Hari OM
    Hehehehehehehe, that was fun. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Squirrels are known for being naughty. They will do anything to get to bird feeders.

  4. Niece Rosy OMDS OMDS x 87 OMDS again.
    Squirrels are sneaky, insane is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.
    They have a very very small pea size brains....I loved the graphics when the squirrel was defeated. YAY for you letting it know you are on duty and quick as greased lightning
    Hugs AC

  5. That squirrel is like a little rodent vacuum under the feeder. Too bad he got away from your Rosy. Maybe next time you'll get him.

  6. How fun. Our kitties would be in 7th heaven getting to watch this. A great video.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups and my very best to the peeps. ♥

  7. love it love it love it.. love you windblown Rosy, chief squirrel chaser! your squrrels are bigger, fluffier and prettier than ours are.

  8. Squirrels are such a pain when it comes to leaving the bird food for the birds!

  9. That squirrel looks like it is trying to find its way out of the maze.

  10. That sneaky squirrel looks mighty plump - maybe a mama-to-be??? Glad you took care of business.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  11. That really is a sneaky squirrel but way to go sweet Rosy, almost!

  12. That squizzer is HUGE! Our whiskers & tails were twitching likes crazy watching the rascal! ❤️ Kat, Rocky & Cali

  13. Well, squirrels gotta eat, too. They can be very pesky, even so.


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