
DayTripping with Rosy (Part 2 - Los Alamos)

A couple of weeks ago the pawrents surprised me with a special "Rosy Day Trip"(Sunny is not into road trips, unless we are staying in CeCe, so she held down the house).  We took off in JeeJee to explore a little of the Northeastern part of our home state of New Mexico. 

Last week I showed you Soda Dam and The Valles Caldera, this week we are moving along to our next stop, Los Alamos NM!

It was a beautiful ride out of Valles Caldera down into Los Alamos.

 You may have heard of Los Alamos from the movie Oppenheimer.
Los Alamos was a town founded by the US Government for the 
Manhattan Project...aka the development of the Atom Bomb

Again, I could let Mama could go on and on about conspiracies, secret experiments and probably all kinds of UFO activity but this is not her blog...amiright??
....so let's get back to MOI!

After riding around town for a bit, Daddy and I started getting hungry and guess what??
Daddy found us a dog friendly place for us to each lunch!

The Pajarito Brewpub was a cute little restaurant

They had a nice sunny patio and delicious bacon(Mama was nice enough to share).

Thanks Pajarito, for a delicious lunch!

Here is short video Mama put together:
 You can watch it HERE on our YouTube Channel

After we finished lunch we got back on the road again......
Join us Friday to wrap up my "Rosy Road Trip" with a walk along the Jemez River!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


  1. one of my favorite bloggers lives in Las Alamos and another one is from there. I enjoyed our visit with you. will send this linke to my two Las Alamos friends.. Myra and Jean.. would love to see this, thanks for sharing

  2. We never get alone trips unless it is around town. Bailie used to go alone back when it was her, Emma and Katie. It looks like you had a fun day with your parents and saw some pretty and interesting spots.

  3. What a fun trip for you, Rosy! I hope one day that I can talk mom into getting me some bacon. You make it look so yummy!

  4. What a fun place to visit. You sure look like you enjoyed that lunch.

  5. Niece Rosy OMDs first of all the beginning photo of you is a beautiful glamour shot...love the pose. Thank you for sharing Rosy's Road trip with all of us it made my Tuesday twice as happy
    Love the music on your video too
    Hugs Aunty C

  6. What a fun road trip. Your state is so beautiful, Miss Rosy.

  7. That was a fun trip! I'd love to see more of New Mexico.

  8. You visit the most interesting histrocal spots that have dog friendly eating establishments

  9. I love to ride in kennel in the back seat, but I don't get to see much. Well, that's probably what makes me feel safe, too. Do you mean, Rosy, that you got to actually go into a real, live, people restaurant, and even eat bacon there? OMD! OMD! That was Angel Lexi's ultimate goal (not the bacon part, at least not that I know of) and she finally did get to do that during a tornado. What was it like? Was it as great as we all dream about? Are you like a goddess now? Should I bow?? Your bestiest of best friends, Xena

  10. Java Bean: "Ayyy, that looks like such a fun trip! Just nobody use that radio telescope to contact the San-Ti, okay?"


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