
Strong Little Surfer Girl


 "You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf"

From Mama: Sunny continues to have issues with pain in her back legs. The librela worked for the first month, but the past couple of months it has only worked for the first couple of weeks before she starts limping again. As a result, she is back on Carprofen for the foreseeable future. She is such a trooper and doesn't let a wonky knee slow her down. In fact, if not kept in check, she has no problem adapting and running as fast Rosy on three legs. We are working with her doctors to see what we can do to help ease Sunny's pain without dampening her zest for life and will keep you updated. 

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


  1. Strong little surfer girl is so brave. We hope her pain management can continue to be effective.

  2. Hari Om
    I add my good wishes for pawsitive management of those long leggies. POTP working. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. so sorry sweet Sunny.. Beau has been on gabapentin more than 2 years and is doing well.. he doesn't surf though. hugs and love coming your way

  4. Oh Sunny, we are so sorry to hear about your knee. Mom knows how frustrating it is when the vet can't find a good solution. Hopefully something will come up to help you.

  5. awwww ... sending prayers for Sunny!

  6. We send you lots and lots of SpanielZen and positive vibes, Sunny.

  7. You are such a cutie, Sunny. We're sorry to hear you are still having pain in your knee. Our paws are crossed that your vet can find a solution for you soon.

  8. Oh sweet Sunny, you are adorable and we all send healing thoughts your way. I hope the Vet can come up with something good for you.

  9. Niece Sunny bless your sweet little heart. For certain your aunty C continues to send you purrs that the vet will come up with a good plan. I think I recall Mama and Daddy don't have any plans for more surgery.
    Snuggles to my little surfer girl. Lately (nothing worth watching on tv, I've been binge watchilng Beach Boy videos on YouTube. I love Darlin' and Kokomo...
    Hugs Ac

  10. Lulu: "Awww, poor Sunny, we are sorry you still have pain in your leg. You are a little trouper though!"
    Java Bean: "We send lots of tail wags that the doctors find a way to make you feel better forever!"
    Chaplin: "And we cats send lots of purrs!"

  11. We send purrayers and Power of the Paw for Sunny to feel better soon !

  12. Hey, Sunny Bunny, sure hope your leg heals up so you can run on all fours without pain. (The Bunny part is in believing you'll be able to hop on your legs again!) Your friend, Chia (and MY pack)

  13. We missed this, so sorry. Have you tried laser treatments? Also Misty had plasma injections where they spun her blood and then injected it into her knees. Mom doesn't remember what it is called. Also consider PT or even water therapy.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. I'm sure she tries surfing with the best of them. I hope you and the vet can come up with something to help.


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