
Thankful for Summer

Today we are thankful Summer is here!!!
To celebrate, Rosy and I have each put together our top five Summer bucket list items to share with you today!

My Summer Bucket List
by Sunny
5. Find out what we can do about my leggy issues(a brace? cool new wheelies maybe?)
4. Snuggle with Mama and watch Shark Week
3. Sit outside during a rain storm
2. Go for a stroller ride in Colorado
1. Eat Ice Cream every day!

My Summer Bucket List
by Rosy
5. Stay up past bedtime and sit outside
4. See the Grand Canyon
3. Take a hike in Creede, Colorado
2. Sing a campfire song (in front of a campfire)
1. Eat Ice Cream every day!

Stay tuned at the end of Summer to see how we do checking things off!

What's on your summer bucket list this year???

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



  1. we agree totally for the ice cream.. even when we have a kind of siberian summer ;o)

  2. Hari Om
    What excellent lists you made... good luck with them! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Great lists for both of you but I like the way you think about eating ice cream every day!

  4. I think both like ice cream! We only want to survive and are hoping for a cold and snowy winter. Summer is our least favorite time of year but we know most folks like it. We feel so bad for you Sunny, with your leg. Hopefully you can find the right solution soon as you are so young and have so much fun to have.

  5. we have 2 dogs with wheelies in our neighborhood and sounds like that might be an answer for you.. both bucket lists sound great and can't wait to see how many you check off

  6. Those are both good lists, but we have our paws crossed that Sunny can find a solution for her leggy problems.

  7. Nieces Rosy and Sunny
    Aunty C 200% agrees with your #1 choice!!!
    Sunny I too hope you can find a good solution for your leg...
    Rosy I'd love to sing campfire songs and see Grand Canyon. I've seen it from 30,000' but never on my the ground
    Hugs Aunty C

  8. PS
    the #1 thing on my bucket list is not to melt in this horrid heat.
    Hugs AC

  9. Lulu: "These are great lists, ladies! We are totally on board with each of your #1s!"
    Java Bean: "We sure hope you can find something that works for your legs, Sunny!"

  10. Hi Rosy and Sunny,
    We hope all your bucket list dreams come true this summer. Especially the one about finding a way to help Sunny with her leg problems.
    Nobby (and Gail).

  11. Such nice lists sweeties but we hope your leg problems go away soon sweet Sunny. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  12. It's good to see you both have your priorities right! I hope I get some ice cream for my birthday tomorrow! XOX Xena

  13. We think ice cream is at the top of everyone's list for the summer!!! We really hope you can find a good answer for Sunny's legs.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. We're so sorry you're having leg issues-maybe a wheelie is just the answer. We send you loads of POTP that the issue gets better.


We love to read your peemails!!