
Wildlife Wednesday with Rachel

 Remember Mama's Fairy Tail a couple of weeks ago?
Well it seems that the baby raccoon's Mama has been stopping by 
our backyard "watering hole"!

We are featuring Rachel the Mama Raccoon this week on 
Wednesday Wildlife Adventures
 You can watch the video HERE,  on our YouTube Channel

Our videos are mostly wordless we will be joining
  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! 
Thanks to Sandee for hosting!







  1. Hari Om
    My word that trap camera is surely proving its worth! What furbyoulush footage of Rachel. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. oooh what wonderful things you can discover that way.... hi little baby...

  3. looks like mama loves frog legs, ha ha... your cam sure takes great shots night or day. I have seen our coons swim in our pool, wash food, and last month poop on the steps. NOT happy about that. it was a mess to clean it out. she also left pieces of unknown dead meat in the water.. I would love one in back yard and front yard, make that 2 in back and front to see just what goes on out there while we sleep

  4. How nice she is enjoying the fresh water. Who would think a camera in the yard would be so fun.

  5. She is certainly loving your watering hole!

  6. We love seeing all the wildlife that enjoys your watering hole. With so many animals drinking every day how often do you have to refill your pond?

    1. It serves mostly as a bird fountain, and bigger animals are few and far between. Mama rinses the rocks and "tops it off" once or twice a week to make sure its fresh. I has a filter and a pump to make sure the water is always moving.

  7. Rachel the wee Hawaiian Raccoon and Rosy...I loved your photo shoot.
    Rachel the Mama Raccoon what a darlin' video of your midnight meandering.
    Hugs Aunty C

  8. Oona: "That Rachel Raccoon plays in the water the same way Oona does!"
    Chaplin: "Are you part raccoon? That would explain a lot ..."

  9. I wish it was as green now as it was the day I took the photos on today's blog.
    We haven't had measurable rain here any this month.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Rachel sure likes ye ole watering hole! You sure are cute sweet Rosy!

  11. So what special ingredient does your Mama add to that water to make it so enticing? Mama Raccoon sure enjoys it.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Oh my gosh, that little baby is just too adorable! Love the trail cam footage and very impressed that Rachel washed her hands after eating. 🦝

  13. We couldn't tell what Rachel was snacking on...a fish? That was fun watching her! XOX Xena and Chia


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