
Dueling Wings on Wednesday

Today, let's take a look at the "not so nice" side of our little hummingbird friends...


Silly hummers think every feeder is theirs...until they don't BOL!
Sometimes they can be found sharing feeders like they are the best of friends and then 
POW! They want the feeders to themselves....

Here is a video of some of the silly hummer duels we've seen so far this season.... 

You can also watch it on our YouTube Channel HERE

Sometimes you have to wonder just what goes on in their
little hummer minds.

What do you all think??
Do hummers have an agenda....or are they just silly?



  1. wow that is a warrior... small but powerful... you can call him napoleon ;O)))

  2. Hari OM
    What fine footage of the feathered fighters! They are a bit silly, aren't they? Plenty for all of them. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. That's a fab video. I like an assertive hummer!

  4. We think they are just like any living creatures, best friends and then a big fight and then friends again. One probably irritates the other and that one gets tired of it.

  5. Those long little beaks must hurt when they poke in the wrong spot.

  6. Oh niece Rosy they do that very same thing here. They spend so much time guarding no one gets a sip. They use all their energy too. I will never understand why they cannot see there is plenty for everyone. They sure do have the proper equipment for a duel
    Hugs Aunty C

  7. this just proves that every creature, great or extra small, cant get along with one another. looks like they are acting like us humans. I had no idea they would get agressive with each other. Mine all Mine! just like humans

  8. We have hummer wars going on in our yard too. There are lots of flowers and two feeders to use but they don't want to share. All we hope is that they fill up enough to make a successful trip south for the winter.

  9. Charlee: "Those hummingbirds sure do have a territorial problem."
    Chaplin: "We could solve that for them if Mama and Dada would only let us ..."

  10. Oddly, we have never had hummingbirds, I even tried putting out a hummingbird feeder one Summer. No luck!

  11. We have so many hummingbirds here it's hard to keep their feeders full. They have an agenda. Eat all day long and don't let anyone near their food.

    Have a woof woof day and rest of the week. Scritches all around and my best to your peeps. ♥

  12. We just don;t know about those birds, but we do know we wouldn't like to get poked with one of those pointy bills.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. Paws up for great photos! Being a puppy living in downtown condo, I don't get to see these activities.


  14. What few hummers we've seen around here have always seemed very territorial.

  15. We think they're all birdbrains, BOL BOL! Xena and Chia

  16. MOL him is like sir get off my feeder ;) Fabulous photos!!



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