
The Grand(Squirrel) Canyon

Welcome to Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. This week we are sharing some pictures Mama took, along with some Grand Canyon fun facts. 

To change things up, I thought it would be fun to start the post with a short video/slide show Mama put together of our time at the Grand Canyon.

Can you guess what my favorite part of our morning was(besides squirrel hunting)?? 

(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE)

Now, let's get to those factoids!

The Grand Canyon is HUMONGOUS!
The Grand Canyon is over 1904 square miles(3144 sq kil) and can fit the whole state of Rhode Island! 
(I bet billions of squirrels live there!)

Over 6 million people visit the Grand Canyon each year.
(and I bet half of them feed those sneaky squirrels!)

The Grand Canyon is so large it can be seen from space!
(Not those sneaky squirrels though, I bet they hide)

You may notice I rarely look at the camera in these pictures...
Betcha can't guess why.
(then again, maybe you can BOL)

A variety of tribes of Native Americans have lived in or near the Grand Canyon for over 1,000 years. Many believe the canyon is sacred. 
(I bet Native Americans would have let me eat the squirrels, Mama)

The rare pink rattlesnake is only found in the Grand Canyon. Don't get close to them though, they still poisonous!
(Probably not annoying like those squirrels though)

Finally, can you guess what the most dangerous animal in the 
Grand Canyon is? They have Guila Monsters and Big Horn sheep, but this animal has bitten more visitors than any other animal....

Case closed, squirrels ARE evil!
Now,  let me at them Daddy!!!

The Grand Canyon is truly a beautiful place to visit. The pawrents have been a few times and I'm sure they'll be back!

We hope you all get to enjoy some nature this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


  1. Mama's photos and video of the Grand Canyon are truly awesome, but Rosy, Gail and I are a teeny bit worried about your mental state. Have you considered that you might be getting just a tad obsessed with those pesky squirrels....?
    Happ Nature Friday!

  2. Hari Om
    OMD, Rosy, you would be in canine heaven if you came to visit me here in New Lanark, Bonny Land... while the valley is not quite as awe inspiring as the GC, the place is hooching with squirrels!!! And rabbits!!! But let's focus on that fantasmagorical landscape behind you and daddy... a.m.a.z.i.n.g....... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. It is just gorgeous and so HUGE! I"m glad your daddy is holding you so your feets aren't touching the ground. With nasty squirrels and pink snakes, it hardly sounds safe for you, Rosy!

  4. We want to go there too. Mom has been and had so hoped to take us last spring but it didn't work since we didn't get into the trial. Maybe another time. It is pretty.

  5. Whoa...the Grand Canyon is totally impressive, Rosy. Thanks for a wagnificent tour! So glad you managed to avoid both the pink rattler and the rock squirrels. Evil little buggers!

  6. What a beautiful place to visit. It's too bad your parents didn't let you taste one of those squirrels but the french fry kind of made up for it.

  7. Niece Rosy I hope and purr the squirrels aren't as large as the Grand Canyon and OMDs rare pink rattlesnakes that is not fair at all 'cause they blend in with all the gorgeous rocks. Your favorite park was the walkies and the huggies from dad. Your least favorite part was being kept on a short leash.
    Hugs AC

  8. That canyon sure has an appropriate name. I've seen it too and it really is so amazing. Hello sweet Rosy!

  9. It has to be the French fries:). And second would be the fun time walking with Dad. The slideshow/video and all the photos were wonderful.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. Thank you for sharing your photos. You know how it got it's name. Francisco Vázquez de Coronado made his son come off the ship where he was playing video games, made him travel by horse for days, then showed his son the canyon, and the sullen teenager said "yeah dad, it's grand."

  11. Lulu: "I'm starting to think they may have a lot of squirrels at the Grand Canyon ..."


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