
Happy New Year!!!

 Happy 2017 effurybody!! I am celebrating with my first selfie of the year....
Did you notice my tres jolie beret??

 My most handsome guy Bailey got it for me for Christmas....I have just three words for you...
Happy and Thankful New Year Smoochies Bailey!!

 I'm celebrating with my first Black and White Selfie...which isn't to hard because I am a black and white doggie...and do you see what I'm wearing??

It is the most handsome black and white sweater from my best gal, Mabel!! 
It is sooooo snuggly warm and will come in real handy during this chilly and wet winter we are having!! Thanks sooooo much Mabel! I'm sending lots of warm snuggles your way!!

 I also want to wish everyone a very Happy AND Healthy New Year!! 
A big thanks to all of Blogville for all the POTP they sent in 2016!!

 Jakey here, I just want to wish all those single ladies out there (especially you, Finley!) a very happy New Year!!!

A Very Healthy and Happy 2017 to your pack from ours!!!

We are joining Nola and Sugar for Black and White Sunday this week!!

We are also joining The Cat on My Head this week for Selfie Sunday


Thank You Hazuzu and Ruby!!

 I can't believe my Gal Pal, Ruby, got my name in the Blogville Gift Exchange this year! OMD does she know how to shop!! Treats, treats and MORE treats along with my very own fur D fur Dory!! 
AND, it may have been the margaritas, but I think I got my very own Kong Pink Elephant too!!

 Thanks sooooooo much for all the pawsome pressies, Ruby!!

You may not believe it, but Kitty Kat Hazuzu, Louis Armstrong's kitty sibling,  had me in the gift exchange! Don't ever underestimate the shopping abilities of a kitty!! OMD....treats, and dental chewie AND RUDOLPH THE SQUEAKIE REINDEER!! Oh, the music Rudy and I will make together!!

Thanks SOOOOOO much for all the cool pressies, especially Rudy!!

 ...and thanks soooooo much to Oreo and his Assistant for hosting another wonderful year of Christmas Card and Gift Exchanging!!!




This coming Monday is the day I will officially get sworn in as Blogville's Mayor, and Mabel will become Vice-Mayor! 
I sure hope you can join us!!

I recently got together with the Lame-Duck and prior Mayors to finalize the change in the administration...
I got some great advice from Frankie!

...and even though I was a bit concerned about all the attention, the Mayors were all very patient with me!!

Flat Madi told me about some of the Mayoral perks!

...and by the end of the meeting I was feeling much more relaxed about everything and had all the paperwork I needed sent over to our Office Manager, Princess Leah, so she could get her file system set up and organized.

Back at City Hall....
I'm sure Leah will have everything in order by Monday!

I am officially inviting all Blogville Directors, staff and Blogville Residents to feel free to make a speech about the vision of your pawsition or what you would like to see more of(or less of) in Blogville and then Hop aboard the 
Inaugural Blog Hop! 

The Blog Hop will be set up over HERE on our hoppity page so you can link on up whenever you are ready!

After the ceremony, make sure to join us on the City Lawn for Lawn Reception hosted by the Idaho Pug Ranch!



Bilbo and Jakey's Christmas Fun!!

Dear Edward,
Thanks for Pinky the reindeer, the cool treats, the great towel, the cool frame(that Mama pawmises to put my picture in) and the pawsome new tag!  Pinky is my most favorite new toy!!

Dear Lily,
Thanks for the, wrapped by your own paw, Apple for the cool new ball-ey, the funny tag and the yellow towel! I love them all!!


Our Candle of Hope and Easy Love

We are helping to light the path for Easy's way back home. 

We also want to remember all of our furiends who left for the Bridge in 2016. We are also sending healing hugs and love to all their families!

Happy Birthday Christmas!!

 We are on our way over to Paw Province...

 ...to help Christmas celebrate his third barkday which was on Christmas Day!!

Happy Belated Barkday Christmas!!


Don't forget, tomorrow we are lighting Easy's way home, make sure to light a candle and leave it in your  Blog window all day long!


Happy Birthday Dory!!

Hello all and welcome to the Blogville Holiday Gala AND
Dory's 13th Birthday Pawty!! That's right, today Dory officially becomes a teenager!!!  It seems like just yesterday when Dory was 7, and started blogging. Time sure flies when you're having fun!!!

Let's take a peek at what is going on at the Pawty!
Looks like Addi and Bertie finally received that Tank Sleigh they have been asking Santa Paws for and are soaring towards the pawty!!

Happy belated birthday Christmas! It looks like you and Noodles are still celebrating *wink wink*!

Oh no...look out Blogville ladies, we have 4 wild and crazy dogs out on the town!!

Ruby and Murphy look ready pawty!! 
I wonder if they've set a date for the big day yet?? 
2017 could be the year!!

Sweet William and Bella were extra good this year and Santa gave them a ride in this cool snow globe to the pawty!!

Looks like Millie and Walter are enjoying the cooler weather!

Looks like Piper and Shelby are becoming an item!! 

Oreo picked Hazel up in style!! 
Just look at that stylin' snowmobile!!

Speaking of snow...looks like there is lots of fun going on in the backyard...A few of our guests have decided to do some leaping into the big snow drifts!!

Arty and Mabel have their pawlitical faces on. Don't forget,  Arty's Blogville Inauguration into the Mayor's Office is one week from today, on January 2nd!!

Aunty Yam is here to lend an ear to anyone who needs it!
(Mama says she is also "keeping an eye" on us)

Look everyone..it's Santa Paws!!
Well Casey is ALMOST Santa Paws, he helped raise tons of green papers for LBR when he dressed up and helped his Mama wrap presents!

Ernie and Roxy must be discussing their latest court case
(or maybe what time they should meet in the filing room teeheehee).

Frankie and Abby look like they were made for each other! What a lovely couple they make!

Jakey and Bilbo wouldn't miss this pawty for the world!! Mostly because they will be helping with the clean up,  BOL!

Jake is ready to dance the night away!!

Looks like the dancing is well underway!! Madi has started her twerking early tonight...she and Raz must have had a Niptini or two in their Limo on the way to the pawty!!

Make sure to stop by the treat table,

...and help yourself to some delicious Holiday Cookies!!

Chester is a lucky guy tonight, he has two beautiful ladies to escort! Wait, is that Freya Rose's little brother de Ark?? We thought he was going to have to stay home this year!! We hope Freya Rose isn't too upset with him!

A party wouldn't be complete without Dory's fellow senior gal pal, Sugar stopping by!!

Ziva and Ryder are enjoying their first date this evening!
 If Ziva's smile is any indication, we would say things are going VERY well!

Sam is looking dashing in his red tie and Santa hat! We bet the gals will be lining up to get a dance with him!

Another new couple will be hitting the dance floor tonight. Dante and Scarlett were set up by their siblings Ryder and Ziva!

Raz and Madi are looking tres chic this evening. A party is never dull with these two around!

Louis and Cricket look dashing this evening. Cricket made her way across the pond to attend the pawty with the handsome and debonair,  Louis!!

Woos, Lightning and Misty enjoying the snowy weather!!

Aaawwwww, Stanley and Jessie look so very happy together!
 I wonder how long before Stanley pops the question!!

Thanks so much for coming and

Thanks to all our friends, old and new, who have helped make the past seven years of blogging so much fun. We can't wait to see what kind of fun lies ahead in 2017 for Blogville!!