Happy July, or as I like to call it...
Rosy's Birthday Month!! In honor of such a special month, I thought we would look at my favorite birdies to visit our backyard, the hummingbirds!

I love to watch them flit and fly from one feeder to the next! We have a few different kinds of hummingbirds,
but Mama is still up in the air on which on is which!

Sometimes they eat while they fly!

Just look at their little taloned feeties!

Mama has a few different feeders for them.

There is this one that has the nectar in the bottom of the feeder...

...and this one with the nectar stored in the top!

But we both love watching them find lunch in the flowers! Here is one looking for lunch in the Texas Yucca blooms!

Looks like he found a bit of pollen too!

That's a small look at our backyard hummers on parade!
We hope everyone's weekend goes hummingly!
From Mama: We will be on vacation for the next week or two while I travel to NJ to be with my sister upon the loss of her son.