
Nature Friday Flowers at the ABQ Botanic Garden

 Wow Rosy, Friday sure did roll around fast this week!
It sure did Sunny, mostly because Mama and Daddy have been running around throwing things in boxes!
That's right, I almost forgot...it's almost moving week! Wahoo!!
 Next week, while we are moving, we have prerecorded blogs ready to go. We aren't sure how much time we will have to visit everyone...
You've got that right Rosy, we'll be exploring our new backyard, barking at our new neighbors...
Well, we'll also be chasing bunn.....I mean unpacking all our clothes and toys too!!
But don't worry, we'll be back in time for next week's Nature Friday and we have some pretty cool stuff pre-recorded for next week too! 
 Anyway...we digress, let's get to this week's Nature Friday from the Albuquerque Botanic Garden!! Unfortunately, dogs aren't allowed in the park.  Even with that horrible rule in place, Mama was pretty impressed on how big the park was compared to the Humboldt Botanical Gardens. Mama didn't have time to visit the whole park in the time she was there but she did see some pretty Spring flowers!!
 There is a big castle as soon as you walk in the park!  This park is VERY child friendly and a lot of their exhibits are geared towards children.
 There were daffodils everywhere

 All different kinds too. Here are some with orange rimmed trumpets!
 So how big do you think the bunnies in our new backyard get, Rosy?
I don't know Sunn.....
OH, sorry Mama, we'll get back to describing YOUR walkie.... 
 There was an atrium which had some fun tropical flowers like this Bromiliad,
a Bottle brush plant/flower,

 and this Clivia Miniata! Aren't the orange and yellow flowers
They even had Calla Lilies, just like back in California! 

When she was heading back to the car (to get home in time for afternoon cookies) she came across this pretty hybrid tulip the "Tulipa Ancilla"
(thank goodness for Google picture search)  
 The least thing Mama saw as she headed out of the park was this beautiful Red Breasted Robin! A sure sign that Spring is here!!

Mama made a video of her visit to the park if you like that kind of thing(videos without dogs!). 
Plus she has a park membership, so I'm sure we'll be seeing more of the park through the seasons.

You can also watch it HERE, on YouTube

We're wishing everyone a pawsome weekend filled with flowers!!!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for and From Jakey!

Hi everybody and welcome to my Barkday Part Two!!!
 Today, before we finish our through the year series, I want to thank all of you for your Birthday wishes. You sure know how to make a guy feel loved!!
Mama gave me the bestest gift too(besides the new humungous backyard we move into next Monday). She says I can go into "semi retirement"
and don't have to wear hats or clothes anymore! 
Now, let's look at the last few years of my birthday pictures!
 Here I am at 12, and another one of Mama's favorites!
I have always been a pretty good model. It isn't hard to gaze Mama's way when she has a nommy treat in her hand!
At Thirteen, Mama decided we should be wearing Birthday Hats on our birthday, I am not a big fan of Birthday hats because they tend to steal my ears!
BTW....Our hats are all hand made at Sand Dollar Dog Company, the same place we get all our bandanas!
Here, on my 14th birthday, is a perfect example of how my ears tend to disappear when I wear a Birthday hat...Look on the right side of the hat...


At 15, Mama made sure no ears were hidden!
At 16, I finally got my own cake and a hat with my name on it. Mama ordered the cake from Brad's Barkery, and it was soooooo nommy!!
I'll say thanks again and leave you with the short video Mama made of us all enjoying my cake...I especially loved the canolli on top!!!

You can also watch it HERE on YouTube!
Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



Silly Selfies


 Silly pawrents!!

 Silly Girl!!!
Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Happy Boy

 Nothing makes me happier than a warm couch where I can watch Mama....

...and take a nice snooze at the same time !

We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



Sister Aaawwwsss

Playing in the snow is better with a friend.....

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Nature Friday on FFF - Spring Smileys

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!

Spring Smileys

by Rosy 
Even though there's no snow
or frosty ice to play,
I suppose I will like a nice Spring Day.
Spring days will bring
little bunnies who hop around,
and I will get to chase them down.
Spring has more sun puddles and warm places
to rest, 
to help me chase more bunnies at my rested best!

Trading snow for Sun at least for awhile,
is a very good reason to have a Spring smile!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Surprise Spring Snow!

 This week I am sooooo very thankful for all the snow we've gotten so far in New Mexico!! At first, I wasn't sure if I was glad about Spring arriving(you'll see this in my FFF tomorrow), but WOW!!! 
As you'll see above, we got a  little snow on Tuesday. I wasn't too impressed but hey snow is snow, right??? Mama and I(and the weatherman) thought that was it, no more snow until next year...but then
 Look what we woke up to Wednesday morning!
I was the happiest girl ever to see so much white stuff!!

 I called Sunny out to play with me, and we had a BLAST!! We did snow zoomies, hunted for rabbits and barked at the cars going by.
We even got Jakey out to play!

Here is a video of us all enjoying the snow:
You can also watch it HERE on YouTube
 After awhile, Mama called us in to warm up. I think
Sunny was a little chilly.
 I could have stayed out there all day but there was breakfast involved, so I zoomed to the door super fast!!!
 When I got inside, I found out a bad side of lots of wet Spring snow, 
Mama dried me off, and brushed out the ballz while running the hair dryer. I tried to help by chewing and licking them.

It may have been a little uncomfy, but it was

The only bad thing about Spring snow in New Mexico is it's usually gone by lunch time. Oh well, hopefully we'll get more snow before Spring decides to stay! 

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Jakey, Happy Through the Years(part 2)

 My Birthday month has been a blast so far! Lots of snuggles, treats and fun photo shoots! There has also been a lot of reminiscing about me through the years!
Here I am on my 8th birthday! As you might have seen,  I have had a lot of different hair styles through the years. Here I am sporting the mustache and long ear hair look.

Looks like I spent my 9th Birthday napping!
No big surprise there,  I have always enjoyed a good nap!   In fact, that may be the secret to enjoying a long and healthy life,
lots and lots of naps!

Mama says this is one of her favorite pictures of me. It was taken on my 10th birthday. I am shredding my birthday gift. Mama calls this
"Typical Jakey"

It has only been in the last year of so that I have given up shredding..This old guy's teeth just can't rip like they used to!

Mama was really into PicMonkey on my 11th Birthday and made me this special card!  

Thanks for joining me for this walk through my past birthdays, join me next
week for my second 16th Birthday Pawty...
I hear this one is going to have CAKE!!

We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!