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Happy Nature Friday!!
Today, we have a few roadside New Mexico rock formations to show you. We collected these from the many, many, MANY pictures Mama took during travel season.
We don't know a whole lot about these formations specifically, sooooooo we have decided to give you a fun New Mexico fact after each picture.
Ready? Let's go!
Santa Fe, the New Mexico state capitol, sits at an elevation of over 7000 feet above sea level. That means it looks down on Denver, the mile high city. Our house in Rio Rancho sits at 5262 feet above sea level. That's a bunch higher than when we lived in California when we were at sea level. Needless to say, it took all of us a little while to get used to living almost a mile higher than we used to.
Something we aren't all that proud of, but need to mention, is that the Atomic Age started in New Mexico on the Alamagordo Bombing Site with the Trinity Test. We are looking forward to learning more about the cool, non war places in Alamagordo like White Sands Park when we visit there next March.

Many believe that New Mexico is all desert and cacti. Believe it or not, New Mexico has over 16 million acres of forestland. We can attest to that because we visited lots of it during our 2023 CeCe Travels this year.
New Mexico sure is full of fun facts!
The second deepest limestone cave in the US is in New Mexico. The Lechuguilla Cave, a part of Carlsbad Caverns is over 1600ft deep and 149 miles long!
New Mexico helped educate the world about fire prevention with the introduction of Smokey the Bear!
A bunch of New Mexico's landscape was formed by volcanic activity. The state has gone through over 700 eruptions in the past 5 million years.
Wowsers, New Mexico is a pretty cool place to live. Beautiful rocks, Smokey the Bear and lots of forests...who could ask for more!
Do you have a fun fact from your corner of Blogville?
Let us know in the comments!
We hope you all get to see some fun nature this weekend!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE to go to our Hoppity Page.