
Autumn Skies

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!  

Autumn Skies in New Mexico
by Jakey
Wispy Clouds,
patches of Blue
Steady Breezes,
some raindrops too.
Sometimes storms,
sometimes Sun.
No matter the skies,
we always have fun.
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see the link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Reminiscing on Thankful Thursday

 The other day I was outside searching for those escaped squirrels. Mama was out weeding and glanced up to see me looking up in the crab apple tree. Next time I looked at her she had a funny smile and her eyes were a little leaky. I told her it was ok, the squirrels would show up sooner or later......
She told me she knew I would find the squirrels because I had the best squirrel hunting Guardian Angel to guide me. It seems my Angel Sister Dory was quite the squirrel hunter and used to look up in the trees like I do. Mama said seeing me chasing squirrels brought back some happy memories
of Dory in her Backyard
Mama says she is so thankful to have another squirrel hunter in the family and I am so glad to have an
accomplished squirrel hunting Guardian Angel like Dory!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


What the What??



 Where the heck are those squirrels going???

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!



Happy Sunny Punny Trawpical Tuesday

 Today we are having a bit of an Indian Summer day, a perfect day for a Parrot funny!
What is orange and sounds like a parrot??
A Carrot!!!
Well, at least Frieda Frog thinks its funny....then again, she thinks everything is funny!

We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



Sunny Aaaaws and Pupdate

Bring on those pumpkin cookies!

Sunny Pupdate
Mama here, Sunny is doing well and the biggest challenge is keeping her quiet and in her crate. She will be crated and strictly separated from the other pups for at least 9 weeks. One of the reasons for the re-injured knee was letting her mingle with the pack too soon. We have moved her into my office, so I can spend time with her during the day when she's awake.
We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!




Indoor Nature Friday

 OK, did someone press the September Fast Forward Button?
I can't believe we're a week away from the last Friday in September!
(Don't forget YAM-Aunty's FFF next week!) 

For the first Autumn post of 2022, I am going to show some of the nature pictures I found on Mama's phone from her Weekend Getaway to Nashville, Tennessee! These are all from the hotel where she stayed. I heard her telling Daddy the Gaylord Opryland Resort was bigger than many of the Casinos they had stayed in Las Vegas with a Conservatory rivaling the Bellagio

Here are just some of the flowers Mama found:
The Costus barbatus or "Red Tower" Flower is a member of the Ginger family, If this looks like something you have seen here before you are right! They are found in tropical climates like Hawaii...and Mama and Daddy remember seeing them and, of course, Mama took a picture of them (the post is HERE is you want to take a look)!
Here we have a Brassia
Spider Orchid. Isn't it interesting with the brown splotches?

The popular Bird of Paradise. This flower really does look like a bird!
 Some classic Purple Orchids
Such a beautiful (Aechmea Fasciata) Bromeliad!
Here's another Hawaii flashback, the Heliconia, or
Lobster Claw Flower!
The hotel conservatory also hosts bunch of water features!!

There were little waterfalls with Angel's Trumpet flowers growing above,
 and streams leading to a large covered fountain!
 The most impressive feature was the 5 story waterfall
positioned just as you walk into the conservatory! It was especially beautiful early in the morning, before things got too crowded!

You could even go behind the waterfall....where I suppose Mama took this picture. 
She gets so artsy sometimes!

 Thanks for joining us for a look around the Gaylord Opryland Resort Gardens. 

We hope you all enjoy the first weekend of Fall, and everyone has a chance to get out to see some outdoor nature!!
Sunny Pupdate
 Sunny's surgery yesterday went well,
seems some of the soft tissue around her patella loosened up, but it's all fixed up and she will be home later today!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! 
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see the link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Happy Fall Y'all

Today we're thankful for Fall!!
Cooler temperatures for backyard zoomies,

Nummy Pumpkin Cookies,
 and LOTS of squirrels to chase!
 Fall may be the best season of All!!
Happy Autumn Solstice Everybuddy!! 

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Need Better Snackies(or "Just Say No to Dieting")!

Yes Mama, I do enjoy watching our football team win...
We need more hot dog snackies and less veggie snackies please!

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Sunflower Sunny Punny and Pupdate

As you might be able to tell, Fall always makes Mama  think of Sunflowers. For some reason, Rosy or I always pay the price! 
Today we thought we'd do a little Sunflower funny Mama found...
Why couldn't the sunflower ride a bicycle anymore?
Its petals broke.....
Oh Mama, that's silly!!
I bet I could make the petals of this sunflower hat break too if Mama would just let me!

Sunny Vet Visit Pupdate From Mama: 
The good news is, Sunny's right knee healed perfectly!!! 
But there is bad news. We hoped and hoped Sunny's left back knee was ok. Unfortunately, X-Rays confirmed her kneecap moved out of its socket and she needs additional surgery(to move it back in place). This is 100% our fault. When she was on her way from a potty run back to "her room", she had a  "altercation" with Rosy that we didn't catch in time. We believe this is what caused the kneecap to move.
We are hoping to get the surgery done this week and would appreciate any good juju, prayers and POTP that things go well.

We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Talk Like A Pirate Monday

Ahoy Mateys! I be Cap'n Pegleg Rosy

and I be Cap'n Sunny with a Change of Storms!

We be here t' wish ye a happy Natter Like A Pirate day


 We be goin' t' get our ship ready 'n head out t' sea.
So Godspeed 'til next year!
We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Nature Friday - The Rio Grande Gorge

  Have the temperatures started cooling off where you are? We are still having toasty temps here in the New Mexico High Desert, but "they" say cooler days are coming soon! 
Anyway, I was going through Mama's pictures, when I came across these pictures from when she and Daddy took a drive to the Rio Grand Gorge. I thought they would be pawfect to share with you today!
The Rio Grande Gorge is just North of Taos, New Mexico. It is known for it's beautiful views and it's cool bridge!

 Wow...just look how far down it goes. 
Kinda like a mini Grand Canyon, don't you think?!
 That's the Rio Grande down there huh??
 The humungous gorge sure does makes the Rio Grande look itty bitty!! I do have to agree with the sign in the first picture though, the views are spectacular!

 ...and that's just the Gorge, let's take a look at the bridge!

 Wow!! It's so long...and look at all that steel!!

 ...and the views behind it are breath taking!
This is a picture Mama took of the Rio Grande about 30 miles west of the Gorge. It reminds me of the rivers we used to drive along in Northy North California. Twisty turny roads with rivers on one side of the road

....and on the other side of the road....
Great big mountains!!

I hope you enjoyed my little tour of the Rio Grande Gorge!
Here's hoping for nice weather and lots of Nature walkies with Daddy this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see the link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.