Due to lack of walkies...and too much rains and lazy Mamas, we haven't seen any nature beyond our back yard for awhile. I am happy to report the flooding rains have stopped and Mama and Arty went exploring today to see the high river and big trees. Mama even pawmised I will be able to go for a walkie when they get back!
Anyways I told Mama she could repost my first ever Nature Walkie post from last May.
... FYI...I am no longer afraid of ducks!
(feathers are still pretty scary tho!)
We will be back with a brand new Nature Friday next week!
Original Post May 24, 2018
Thankful For Nature Walkies...I think
This week, Mama took me on my very first walk at Arcata Marsh! I had a blast walking on the trails and trying to chase listening to the little tweety birds!
I met this little guy along the trail...
says he is just your basic, everyday slug and not tasty at all. So I
decided not to eat him...I did get a little lick in though, boy was he
Mama tried to get me to pose in front of these pretty lupines...but guess what she forgot?
Yep, no cookies...and we all know the motto right??
"No cookie, no lookie!"
I did smile for her though, cause you know...she might stop by the cookie place on the way home, right?
Then I came across this SCARY thing!!! Mama says it is a feather...I say it is EVIL and should be avoided at all costs!!
things got REAL scary....this BIG GIGANTIC DUCK jumped out in
front of me!! Mama thought I might go all barky on him...Not me, I am a
good girl and tried to hide behind Mama didn't bark at all!
Mama directed a little video of my walk and scary encounters
You can also watch it HERE on YouTube
Thanks for joining me for my fun Nature Walkie today!
Mama and I are thankful we live in a beautiful part of the USA that is full of all kind of places for nature adventures!
OH, and we are also thankful for the cookie place, where we are going now....Right Mama??

us your nature! It can be a
picture of your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a
picture from a walk! Any kind of nature picture will do(does not have
to include a pet)!