During Winter Break our pawrents went for a happy little weekend getaway to Florida. Since it's way past my morning nap time, I'm handing the blog over to Mama so she can tell you all about it!
Thanks Sunny!
Way before we decided to bring home RC the RV, our plan was to visit one of the USA's big RV shows with the intention of narrowing down the type of vehicle we wanted as our "forever RV" (Forever RV = One we could use for weekend trips now, and longer RV adventures in the future). The Tampa RV Show fit the bill (with the bonus of warmer weather) so we booked the trip!
Fast forward to November, when we found RC(the right coach at the right price) and decided to bring her home. We decided to turn our RV hunting trip into a fun trip to visit the RV Show and to enjoy some Florida weather and scenery.
With the pressure of finding an RV gone, we spent the day walking around and enjoying the different exhibits!
We looked at a bunch of RVs, including a few Newmar coaches like RC. I have to admit, I'm happy we found RC before the RV Show, the number of Class A Coaches was staggering. In addition to the many different coaches, vans and travel trailers, there were two big warehouses filled with vendors selling everything from RV flag holders to dog strollers!
It wasn't all about the RVs though.....
There were kitschy little exhibits....
...and, of course, all the delicious fair food you could eat!
We had a wonderful time at the Florida RV Supershow, and look forward to visiting again in the coming years!
Hey, you awake Sunny? Why don't you tell everyone what we have coming up on Friday,
Sheesh, a girl can't even get a decent nap around here!
Stay tuned Friday when Mama and Rosy show you the beaches the pawrents visited in Florida!
We hope everybuddy is having a very Happy Tuesday!
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!