
Thankful for YOU on NFFFF

Welcome to the wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!! 

Thankful for Blogville 
by Sunny and Rosy

As our November Thankfuls come to an end.
Our big thanks to Blogville we want to send.

For all of the nice comments through out the year,
and all the fun stories that we've read,
To those no longer with us that we still hold dear,
For all this we're thankful, as we just said.

The Blogville spirit we will always remember,
From every January to every December!


Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Happy Thanksgiving

This year, we are celebrating November with gratitude. 
Today we are thankful for all of you!!

Happy USA Thanksgiving

From our pack of turkeys you yours!!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

This year, we are celebrating November with gratitude. Today we are thankful for the birdy families that spend time at our fountain.

This time of year we see the black bird families returning to our backyard for the Winter, we always love seeing the fun they have together in the fountain.

(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE)

It's almost like they are having a family outing, don't you think?

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


Travel Tuesday - Thanks for the Memories, CeCe

This year, we are celebrating November with gratitude. Today we are thankful for CeCe and all the memories we shared with her.

 CeCe introduced us to the world of RVing. Although I never learned to drive her, I have so many fond memories of all the adventures we have had traveling with her.

Here is the very first picture Mama took of CeCe right before the pawrents decided to bring her home.

It's hard not to think of Arty when talking about CeCe. He loved traveling, and CeCe made it so much easier.

Thanks to CeCe we traveled all over California from wine country....

To the beautiful forests of Shasta County, California

We also did lots of relaxing in CeCe! 
Both enjoying the outside serenity....

....and many naps on Cece's couch!

Thanks for the wonderful California, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico adventures, Cece!

Wait!! I almost forgot to introduce you to the newest member of our family....
This is R.C.(Short for Royal Canine Cruiser)! 
 After a couple of years looking, Mama and Daddy found our 
Furr-ever RV in RC. The pawrents bring her home tomorrow.

 We can't wait to tell you more about her as we get to know her better.

We are so very thankful for all the wonderful memories CeCe gave us and look forward to our future adventures in RC! 

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Aaawwww Monday Thankfuls

This year, we are celebrating November with gratitude. Today we are thankful for the great people who help take care of us.

First, we are so thankful to All 4 Paws, our groomers. Mama found a Mother/Daughter owned groomer who cuts our hair in a salon at their home...just like my friend Chia's Mom! Mama really appreciates the fact they only groom one dog family at a time!.

Next, we are thankful for our puppy sitters J and B. Although we don't need them as much as we used to, they always take great care of us!

Finally, Mama says I need to be thankful for my 
"therapist" Dr. Nichol. I'm not sure if I should be thankful for any Vet, but I am thankful Dr. Nichol has helped teach me to control my temper and be a happier pup!

We are so thankful for our great collection of caregivers!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the 
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Thankful for All Kinds of Rosies!

This year, we are celebrating November with gratitude. It's also Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. Today we are thankful for all the different roses Mama captures at the ABQ Botanical Gardens.

While, I am the cutest, most beautiful Rosy...Mama saw some pretty rosies when she visited the
Botanical Garden back in October.

From weepy, drop covered rosies....

To little red rosy buds

Here are some bright pink rosies in full bloom

It still amazes me and Mama to see so many rosies that bloom in the desert climate we have.
Besides me of course, I bloom in any climate!

Here is a sun colored rosy bud just starting to bloom

Some dreamy pink rimmed roses

....and finally, my favorite, a red red rosy!!!

We are so thankful for the beautiful rosies in our corner of Blogville!
We are also thankful next Thursday is Turkey Day here in the US, so we'll leave you with the rare, but beautiful, Turkey Rosy!!!

We hope you all get out and see some nature this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Pawrental Thankfuls - Happy Sunny Days

This year, we are celebrating November with gratitude. Today we, the LLB pawrents, are thankful for Sunny's Sunny Disposition.

Over the past year, Sunny has had fewer "bad moments" and many more positive, Sunny moments. Her interactions with us(as well as Rosy) have been such a blessing! 

From everyday moments interacting with Rosy and us as a pack, to evening upside down baby moments(that even Rosy isn't comfortable with), we can't express how thankful we are to have a happy, adjusted Sunny in our lives!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


TC Thankfuls Red Robins...and a Surprise

This year, we are celebrating November with gratitude. Today we are thankful for the Red Robins that visit in the late Autumn and Early Spring(and the few that stick around during the Winter). 

We are also thankful for the fun surprises we capture on TC the trail cam!

(As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE)

Did you spot the "surprise" TC caught??? 
We know, it was hard to miss wasn't it?

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


Travel Thankful for Day Trips

This year, we are celebrating November with gratitude. Today I(Rosy) am thankful for spontaneous day trips! 

Last week, the pawrents decided a Road Trip was in order. I am so very thankful I got to go with them!
(Sunny stayed home to protect the house from rogue squirrels)

They wanted to go someplace fun, but not to far away...so we revisited Grants, New Mexico!

You might remember that we visited Grants with CeCe earlier this year. We saw lots of Lava, a volcano and an ice cave! This visit, we saw a totally different side of Grants.
 The Route 66 and Railroad side!

Grants actually began like a lot of the other New Mexico train towns. A trio of brothers named Grant were given a contract to build part of the Atlantic/Pacific Railroad. It was settled as Grants Camp in the 1880's and evolved into Grant City, and finally ended up as just Grants.

In the 1920s, the main business in Grants was railroad logging transporting timber from the Zuni forest to Albuquerque. After the logging boom ended, the area dabbled in farming(even becoming the Carrot Capital) and Uranium Mining. 

They still have trains running through the town, but  mostly known  as the Gateway to Lavaland. If you missed our post about Grants lava beds you can read it HERE

Route 66 ran through Grants and helped draw visitors to the 
area until Interstate 40 was built. Unfortunately, most of the hotels, shops and restaurants built for expected tourism have now shut down. 

It was a beautiful little town to take a nice leisurely walk!

Luckily they had a KFC, so I got a little chicken snack before we headed home!

We had a great little road trip and are thankful to be able to visit and learn more about the small towns in New Mexico!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!