
Time Travel Tasty Tuesday

Here is a tasty post from 2014.. 
Once a year Mama breaks down and actually makes us some home made cookies!!

 I, Dory,  am making sure she has all the ingredients.... wheat flour, eggs, nonfat milk (powdered), salt and our favorite...PUMPKIN!!! Here is Arty to give you the recipe!!

 Arty Flay here to narrate the recipe for Pumpkin Dog Biscuits  (found on the interwebs)! 
First you get your Mama 
('cause she has thumbs and long legs)
and have her preheat the oven to 350 degrees

 Have her break 2 eggs into a mixing bowl

 Then add 1/2 cup of pumpkin and mix them up. After they are mixed together have her add 2 tablespoons of powdered nonfat milk, 2 1/2 cups of flour (Mama used wheat but all purpose is ok) and 1/2 teaspoon of salt....

Mama added 3 Tablespoons of water and mixed it with her hands until it all stuck together in a ball!
Don't worry if there is flour bits in the bottom of the bowl....you only want to mix it until it is all together.

Have your Mama use a rolling pin and roll the dough until it is about a half inch thick and
 take your favorite cookie cutter (or the rim of a glass) and cut the shapes and put them on an ungreased cookie sheet
(Mama cheated and used parchment paper 'cause she is lazy about cleaning up).

Now it is the hardest part WAITING. You have to let them bake for 20 minutes and THEN have your Mama turn them over and bake them for 20 MORE minutes....
and THEN they have to COOL!!!

But boy is it worth the wait......


Jakey even did his famous "Beg" trick for his...

We hope you get some home baked cookies this Holiday Season!!


A Few Monday Minders!

With so much going on here in Blogville this time of year, we thought we would keep you updated on Mondays through the end of December!

 First up, don't forget about the 25 Days of Holiday fun hosted by Dory, Mr. Bailey, Hailey and her guy Easy! Read more about the 25 Days of Holiday Fun HERE.  There are still a couple of openings!! 
Just look at all those who have signed up so far:
December 1 - Dory
December 2 - Sammy Day!
December 3 - 15 and Meowing
December 4 - Sandra - Mad Snappeer
December 5 - Frankie and Ernie
December 6 - 
December 7 - 
December 8 - Hailey
December 9 - Marg - Marg's Animals
December 10 - Sugar
December 11 - Mara, Miss Oswin and Brom
December 12 - Mr. Bailey
December 13 - Casey
December 14 - Madi
December 15 - Lily and Edward
December 16 - Five Sibes
December 17 - Easy
December 18 - Sammy
December 19 - Christmas
December 20 - The Florida Furkids
December 21 - LeeAnn - Not Afraid of Color
December 22 - The Kitties Blue
December 23 - Jasper, Nellie and Itai
December 24 - Toby at Kitty Caperz
December 25 -  Aunty Yamini

If you signed up and DO NOT see your name, please let us know in the comments or email us at bethblog (at) ebchristians (dot) com and we will add your name!! If you are pre-posting and want to add your post early head on over to our Hippity Hops page and look for the 25 Days of Holiday Fun Blog Hop!

Have you heard about the special day Easy and Madi have planned for this Friday, December 2nd for Sammy?? Read more about this Special Day for Sammy at Madi's HERE or over at Easy's place HERE. Once you have your post ready make sure to join the Blog Hop HERE.

 Have you signed up for Blogville Law Enforcement Training yet??   Learn more about how YOU can join HERE!

Jakey submitted his application yesterday and will be doing his
Pawlice Academy Final Essay this Sunday, December 5th! Hopefully will be graduating the Pawlice Academy on the same day! 

We have set up a Blog Hop HERE for you to add YOUR Final Essay!

Now...we need to get busy decorating!!
We hope to see you at some of these fun events!!


BWSS-The "Y's" Have It



We are joining Nola and Sugar for Black and White Sunday this week!!

We are also joining The Cat on My Head this week for Selfie Sunday


Happy Thanks Blogville

Happy Thanks Blogville!! 
We are so very thankful for Blogville in so many ways, it is hard to list them 

I, Bilbo, am thankful for all the POTP that Blogville has sent me. Believe it or not I have actually put on almost TWO pounds and am still enjoying my pumpkin crunchies! Thanks Blogville!!

I, Dory, am thankful for all the friends I have, and that I actually got to meet some of them in the furs this past summer, Thanks Blogville!!

I, Jakey, and glad that I can live somewhere with pups who understand that stuffies were meant to be de-stuffed, de-squeaked and turned into snow (like this turkey will be soon). 
Thanks Blogville!!

for having the faith in me (and my Vice-Mayor Mabel) to elect me Mayor!!

A Very Happy Thanksgiving to those in the USA
and Happy Thanks Blogville to all
Blogville Citizens!!!


Wordless Wednesday - Arty the Turkey

Even Mayor Elects aren't safe from Mama's silly photo props....

We are joining  BlogPaws for Wordless Wednesday this week!


Tongue Out Tuesday as a #ChewyInfluencer

Dory here today with our delicious #chewyinfluencer review! If you live in the US and haven't tried Chewy.com yet, this is the perfect time! They have 24/7 Customer Service, faster than fast delivery and our favorite, AUTOSHIP! With Autoship Mama can schedule our foodies and, even more important our Greenies, to be here before we run out!

This month we are reviewing Hills Idea Balance Soft Baked Naturals! As pups of a certain age, Jakey and I enjoy a treat that has a bit of crunch but more on the soft side and these treats were a perfect choice!!

What do you think, Jakey???

These do look good Dory, but I would be able to do a better evaluation if this bag was open!!

We have to say, Mama squee-ed with delight when she saw the first three ingredients: Chicken, Potatoes and peas!!

That's probably because they have been know to eat those exact ingredients for dinner sometimes!!

Ummmm Mama...while we do enjoy a bit of boxing, we would really like to taste test those nommy looking Soft Baked Naturals now please.

A bit of crunch on the outside but very easy to chew! 
Funny, Arty showed up for the taste testing.....at least Mama made HIM wear the turkey lurkey hat this year!!

Don't forget, chewy.com is also a great place to do your holiday shopping and it won't be crowded like the stores our silly peeps visit the day after Thanksgiving!!

We were given a bag of  Hills Idea Balance Soft Baked Naturals in exchange for ours (and sometimes Mama's) honest review. We were not given any shiny new cars, big new houses or compensated in any way for this review.  These are our very own opinions!!

We are joining the Chewy.com Blogger Network Blog Hop!! Thanks Sugar and Oz for hosting!


Monday 'Minders

Just a few reminders on this Beautiful Blogville Monday Morning!!

First, don't forget to let everyone know why you are Thankful for Blogville this Thursday during the 
Thanks Blogville Blog Hop!
Read more HERE about Thanks Blogville

Next.....you know December is right around the corner,
have you heard about the 25 Days of Holiday Fun??

Read more about it HERE and sign up to share
your favorite Holiday tradition with Blogville!!

Finally, I, Mayor Elect Arty, am still staffing our 2017 Blogville Administration. Do you have talents you would like to share that aren't on the Administration page? Mabel and I are still creating departments, feel free to email or let us know in the comments what you would like to do!

We just love this time of year in Blogville, don't you???