
City Hall Coffee Morning and Open House!

Good Morning and welcome to the first Coffee Morning at Blogville City Hall! 
Here is the Mayor's Office where me and Mabel make googly eyes at each other do all our hard work! Right now we are working on securing funding for a Blogvillewide Spring Break trip!

 Make sure to stop by the Blogville City Hall Coffee Bar and try one of Princess Leah's wonderful coffee drinks!

Blogville's Chef Abby made extra bacon and donuts, please help yourself!

You can find out what's hot and what's not over at the water cooler!!


  1. Oh I am so pleased to be part of Blogville, and to come here today and meet everyone. What a brilliant administration we have!
    Can't wait to hear about the plans for the Spring Break.
    Toodle pip!

  2. I love this wonderful place... and I will hop over to Leah to grab some hot black drinks , our coffeemachine is still dead and the mama is grumpy efurrry morning... butt not today, ha!

  3. Woohoo, open day is here, lets haf funs AND puppicinos!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. What a great place to visit. The puppacinos are pawsome and the company too! Blogville is such a fun community - nose licks and love from Moth xx

  5. Hari o
    Hi guys...gasp, cough... 'scuse me. Trying to get round as many as I can before bed time!!! What a great chance to see behind the scenes :-) hugs and wags YAM-au ty xxx

  6. This is sssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh fun!!
    Mayor Arty you and your Huggy Puggy Mabel look most official behind your desk.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. bacon bacon bacon, Jake and I LOVE bacon..

  8. We sure have a grreat City Hall! Jessie and I are welcoming lots of visitors today. Very successful coffee morning!

  9. Blogville has so many great pups and kitties that make up their administration!

  10. I'll be sure to visit, especially after seeing those big piles of bacon!! Oh, and the puppicinos look awesome!

  11. You guys have done a fabulous job on the whole office. I'll be stopping in for a large dirty chai later this morning! 💗

  12. Ummmmm I (Ernie the Attorney) am really sorry that I nearly Burned Down Blogville's City Hall. I had no idea that Bertie's Bunson Burner would shoot out SUCH a big Flame.
    Good thingy we have EXCELLENT Emergency Responders... and Leg Lifters in Blogville.
    This is a Super duper way to start the week... Having all of Blogville visiting our offices and Schmoozing with the Officials and Enjoying all the Puppicinos and OH the Donuts and BACON..
    WELL DONE BLOGVILLE... Our Citizens now KNOW that they are in EXCELLENT Paws.

  13. We have had three cups and 87 donuts
    Lily & Edward

  14. Oh, yeah, Arty! We know you two are hard at work. Wink, wink!!!
    Great tour!

  15. We loved our visit to city hall and enjoyed the refreshments 😜.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  16. Those flowers are beautiful. stella rose

  17. Everything sure looks good in all the offices and the goodies look so yummy. The flowers are so pretty. Looks like everything is going well.

  18. We are sure you two are going to be very productive in that beautiful office. We have been having lots of fun tasting all the different flavors of pupacinos offered by the lovely Princess Leah.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  19. Wow, this was such a great idea! I'm totally stuffed and couldn't possibly eat one more donut....but I might try. Bol.

  20. We are running late today, so it's good to see plenty of bacon!

  21. What a pawsome Open House! The donuts and bacon were worth waking up early to enjoy. ♥

  22. Dose break room treats look delishus!

  23. Great open house :) Sorry we are so late!
    Marty and the Gang

  24. We are checking out all the offices and trying lots of great snacks too.

  25. I think the open house was a big success ARty!

  26. You two have a great office. This is fun


  27. I hope everyone enjoyed the snacks. Princess Leah's coffee drinks were amazing! We're all glad the open house was a huge success.

    Abby Lab


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