All the Blogville Christmas Lists have been emailed out. If you haven't received your copy, please let Mama know via email ASAP.
Autumn is coming to a close here in Northy North California and rainy season is about to begin. If fact, like Arty showed you last week, we have already been having our fair share of mist and fog!
As you might imagine, when the sun made an appearance earlier this week I made sure Mama and Daddy took me out for an adventure! What better place to go explore than our local botanical garden where autumn color was around every turn!
This is my "Come on Mama...stop clicking and let's go!" pose. Sometimes Mama doesn't know when to stop taking photos!
Once we got going, I couldn't believe all the pretty leaves we saw along our walkie!
Of course, Mama had me pose with some of these leaves. I even gave her a little smile. Of course watching Mama get down on her hands and knees to my level always makes me smile (and it's even funnier when she tries to get back up BOL!).
We loved seeing all the vibrant reds, yellows, oranges and greens!
Nature really knows how to put on it's own colorful fiery works!
Believe it or not, we even found some left over flowers!!
Some red rosies for me to model with!!
We hope you can get out and enjoy your own Nature Walk this weekend!
Make sure to tune in next week for:
Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the New Rulez and join the FFF fun!!
us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a
picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE
to our Hoppity Page.
Linky Tools(the Blog Hop Host Widget) seems to be having some issues today. We apologize for any problems you may be experiencing. They are working on the problem and will hopefully have it fixed shortly.