What a Year
by Rosy
So much happened in 2023
so many trips, so much to see.
January started off sad, we said goodbye
to our beloved Jakey, who was such a good guy.
February was better, even a bit funny
as I got reaquainted with my sister Sunny.
In March was adventure, what was it to be?
Why our first annual trip in our good pal CeCe!
April brought Spring, when Sunny turned three,
it also brought a trip to Bonito Hollow in lovely CeCe.
May was exciting, with alpacas in a barn,
and we didn't even do one bit of harm!
June brought green leaves, flowers and hummers,
along with the heat of the first days of Summer
July had sharks, you know that gives Mama her kicks,
but more important than that it was the month I turned SIX!
August was quiet except for a place that was famous,
when we went to visit the "other Las Vegas"
September was the month that we liked the best,
we went to the Rockies where Daddy could rest!
October was full of costumes and dreams,
we dressed up everyday for silly Halloween!
In November we were thankful for a month costume free,
and also for turkey, and many more treats.
That brings us to December, and some howliday fun,
it was festive, but we are glad it is done.
What is coming in 2024? Well we can't see,
but we sure hope it is as good as 2023!