
Happy Travel Tuesday - The Pawrents Go to Florida

During Winter Break our pawrents went for a happy little weekend getaway to Florida.  Since it's way past my morning nap time, I'm handing the blog over to Mama so she can tell you all about it!

Thanks Sunny! 
Way before we decided to bring home RC the RV, our plan was to visit one of the USA's big RV shows with the intention of narrowing down the type of vehicle we wanted as our "forever RV" (Forever RV = One we could use for weekend trips now, and longer RV adventures in the future). The Tampa RV Show fit the bill (with the bonus of warmer weather) so we booked the trip! 

Fast forward to November, when we found RC(the right coach at the right price) and decided to bring her home. We decided to turn our RV hunting trip into a fun trip to visit the RV Show and to enjoy some Florida weather and scenery. 

With the pressure of finding an RV gone, we spent the day walking around and enjoying the different exhibits!

We looked at a bunch of RVs, including a few Newmar coaches like RC. I have to admit, I'm happy we found RC before the RV Show, the number of Class A Coaches was staggering. In addition to the many different coaches, vans and travel trailers, there were two big warehouses filled with vendors selling everything from RV flag holders to dog strollers!  

It wasn't all about the RVs though.....

There were kitschy little exhibits....

...and, of course, all the delicious fair food you could eat!

We had a wonderful time at the Florida RV Supershow, and look forward to visiting again in the coming years!   

Hey, you awake Sunny? Why don't you tell everyone what we have coming up on Friday,
Sheesh, a girl can't even get a decent nap around here!

Stay tuned Friday when Mama and Rosy show you the beaches the pawrents visited in Florida!

We hope everybuddy is having a very Happy Tuesday!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


The Month of Love

    This is our 
"We sure would LOVE payment for these pictures" 

We're joining Comedy Plus for the 
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Best of FFF/Nature Friday - Sunny's Winter Woes

We are wrapping up "Relaxed January"!  Next week we will be back to our normal posting schedule. In the meantime Sunny is wrapping up the month with a Winter Woe from February 2024 for January's FFF/NF. We are using YAM Aunty's new 2025 banner, isn't it pawesome?!

Welcome to the wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!! 
This week I(Rosy) am letting Sunny voice her opinion about Winter this year.
A Winter Woe
a short poem by Sunny

Many of my friends would like Winter to stay
But I myself think it needs to go away.
When it first arrived I enjoyed the snow,
But now it's time for the snow to go.
You see, with all the snow I cannot scoop
The frozen, delicious bunny poop.
 Instead when hunting after my morning snoozle
I  proceed to get a snowy moozle!
So, to those who want their Winter to stay,
I am sending our snow your way!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page. 


A Game of Cat and Mouse on Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

Welcome to Backyard Wildlife Wednesday, that day of the week we let Mama share some footage TC(our Trail Camera) has taken in our backyard. You are not going to believe what we saw when we were helping Mama go through TC's footage....We have KITTIES that prowl our yard at night...Mama says she wishes they wouldn't use our yard as a litter box(because some tan puppy likes kitty "snacks"), and she's not sure how she feels about them hun...

Well, take a look for yourself:

Stay tuned next week for more on the Kitties nemisis' Benjy and Frankie

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


Best of Nature Fridays - Silver Thread Parkway

 During the rest of "Relaxed January", we will be reposting some of our most viewed Nature Friday posts of 2024. This August 2024 post, is one of MY favorite 2024 memories from my ride with the pawrents along the Silver Thread Parkway during our visit to Creede, Colorado.

 Welcome to Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. 

This week, I'm going to show you some pictures of a beautimous drive the pawrents and I took along the Silver Thread Scenic Byway.

 It was a beautiful morning when we hit the road. 
 It's about 50 miles(or 80km) from Creede to Lake City, and Daddy and I figured it would be about an hour's drive
 We forgot we had Mama, the photo bug, in the car. She insisted we stop at every turnout to admire the views. Daddy and I didn't mind too much...I mean, look at this view!
 The Silver Thread Byway started off in the olden days as a stagecoach path through the mountains.

Can you imagine traveling over these mountain on a horse drawn stagecoach? 

 It wasn't until 1968 that they paved the road for passenger vehicles.

 Slumgullion Summit is the highest point on the drive. The view is breathtaking and the air is so very fresh and clean!
The highlight of the trip for me was visiting North Creek Falls. We all went on a hike to view the beautiful waterfall from different angles!

 All the green surrounding the waterfall was so pretty

 It amazed the pawrents how much water came over the cliff from, what looked to be, such a small stream!

 Then, they realized that there was a lot of water in this part of Colorado.  There is the Rio Grande River.....

...and Lake San Cristobal,  plus all the little streams and 
lakes in between!
 It was a most beautiful ride, with views too beautiful for words!

Here is a video Mama made:

As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE


 I really enjoyed our journey! 

We hope you all enjoy some nature this weekend!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Quail Cuteness on Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

From Mama: Major apologies for the lack of the Nature Blog Hop last Friday. We were traveling and, to be honest, it totally slipped my mind, No worries tho,  it's already set up for this week.

Welcome to Backyard Wildlife Wednesday, that day of the week we let Mama share some footage  TC(our Trail Camera) has taken in our backyard. This week, in honor of relaxing month, we are featuring a relaxing video of some Quail Cuteness.

Quails are one of Mama's favorite TC birds(can you tell BOL?)!

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


Best of Nature Fridays - Cherry Blossoms

During the rest of "Relaxed January", we will be reposting some of our most viewed Nature Friday posts of 2024. This March 2024 post was one of our most viewed. I think it is because of my cute cherry blossom smile....
Howdy effuryone! Welcome to Nature Friday, where we can meet some new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. 
This week, we are letting Mama show off some of the pictures she took of the famous Washington DC Cherry Blossoms.

The pawrents were amazed to have temperatures in the 60s most of the week they were in DC. Between the warm temperatures and rain, the cherry blossoms are making an early appearance!

They're were lots of beautiful pinks and the grass was so green!!

If you know Mama, you know she found some artsy things to frame with the pink blooms

Mama says that cherry blossom pink might just be as pretty as Carribean Blue....

I told her it was much prettier, of course Pink IS my most favorite color!

While the streets looked so pretty lined with pink, Mama said a lot of the cherry blossoms hadn't started to bloom yet or were just starting to bloom

Like this tree along the "National Mall"

In front of the Washington Monument!

All in all, even the beginning of cherry blossom season
looks beautiful and it must be something beautiful to see 
when it's in full swing.

Have you ever been to Washington DC during cherry blossom season?

We hope you all get out and see some blooms this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Squirrel Shenanigans on Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

Welcome to Backyard Wildlife Wednesday, that day of the week we let Mama share some footage  TC(our Trail Camera) has taken in our backyard. 

With the birdy fountain closed for the Winter, Mama has moved TC to a spot under the bird feeders. We were sitting next to Mama when we saw the following footage......

Can you BELIEVE that sneaky squirrel? 

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


Rubber Duckie Aaawwwws

This year we told Mama we would put  up with Rubber Ducky Day photo shoots this year on one condition.....

No posing in the bath tub!!

Mama agreed...as long as we didn't mind her "transporting" us near water.

We told her as long as we didn't get wet, we didn't care where she posed us, BOL!

Happy Birthday Rubber Duckie!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the 
Awww Monday Blog Hop!