Earlier this week, the co-host of Thoughtless Thursday Being Loved by a Husky, gave us the Sunshine Award!! Thanks so much you guys, that was very sweet and we are honored!!!

We took a big break from Bloggyland while we were moving. Since we have met so many new friends we thought we would follow SOME of the rules on this award and tell them 10 things about us!
1. I, Dory, started blogging 5 years ago when it was just Bilbo and I in the house. One year later we gots Jakey and last year Mama had her first "foster failure". Her failure was really the family's gain and his name is Arty.
2. We all moved to Northern California from Central Texas last year and WOW what a difference...there are NO Squirrels here!!!
3. Mama has her own bloggie now called Thru My Looking Glass, where she puts her artsy pictures (she takes a picture a day and posts it there)
4. Bilbo loves his sweater vests. He got his very first sweater vest thanks to Frankie Furter during Jazzi's very first Christmas gift exchange. Since then we tend to call him Professor Bilbo. Click here to see the full post.
5. Jakey is addicted to stuffy squeakers and is thinking about joining SA (Squeakers Anonomys)
( Ok, so maybe persuaded means Jakey cried and cried until they let him in and I told them there was NO way Jakey was sleeping in the big bed with out me!)
6. Arty is a den puppy, he loves to sleep in his room every night and goes to bed when Mama and Daddy are done watching their shows and turn off the TV!
7. Jakey and I are NOT den animals and have ummm persuaded Mama and Daddy to let us sleep in the big bed with them. ( Ok, so maybe persuaded means Jakey cried and cried until they let him in and I told them there was NO way Jakey was sleeping in the big bed with out me!)
8. Dory and I(Arty) enjoy modeling for Mama, mostly because lots of treats are involved BOL.
9. Jakey always instigates a game of zoomy bitey face after dinner. It starts outside and ends up with us running around the coffee table inside. Boy is it FUN!!
10. Some of you asked about how Bilbo eats dinner his way without us eating his food?? Well, Bilbo eats his dinner at night while Arty is in his room and we are sleeping....he's a pretty smart old dude!
We are also suppose to forward this on to ten of our friends, but rules were meant to be broken :-)
Feel free to keep this award for yourself if you don't have it already.
Feel free to keep this award for yourself if you don't have it already.
Thanks again to Being Loved by a Husky for the cool award and thanks to them and Ruckus for hosting Thoughtless Thursday!
No skwerrils?? OMD!! I's lived in Texas, Lost Anjulus and Bawston and we had skwerrils in all dose places!
ReplyDeleteWhat no squirrels?????? Congratulations on your award and well deserved we say. Have a tremendous Thursday.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes Molly
Even though we've been friends a long time, it was great to read this! We loved learning more about you - plus this way my sisters could get caught up!
ReplyDeleteLove that first picture of you! So gorgeous!
Play bows,
No squirrels??? Thats crazy talk!!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you liked your award! You deserve it! I love your blog and you are just so darn cute!!!!
Have a great day and thanks for linking up with us!
ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!
It is always fun to learn more about our blogging friends. Dory that picture of you is so pretty too.
ReplyDeleteOMD I REMEMBER SHOPPING fur Bilbo's pressies that year. AND yes he DOES look like a Pawfessor fur SURE.
ReplyDeleteNO SQUIRRELS??? You are living in a WONDERFUL place fur SURE...
Very nice. Now we know more about you. There is a stuffie squeaker nut here too
ReplyDeleteLily & Edward
I knew some of those things about you and I learned some new things, too! Congrats on the award and on making it to a no squirrel zone! That must be nice.
Congrats on the award! You deserve it! And of course, you deserve a bloggyland break if you are moving! Happy Thoughtless Thursday! Thanks for linking up
ReplyDeleteDory you were also one of my very first K9 BFFFs!! We loved reading about you all and refreshing our memories. I'm moving to CA if there are no squirrels there.
ReplyDeleteHugs madi your bfff
Congrats! Sounds like you're enjoying the move to NoCal. Might not have squirrels, but there is Arty's Ocean now.
ReplyDeleteWHATS??????? Now I've heard EVERYTHING!!! Okays, I did NOT knows there were no tree rats up north!!! They must be all down here tryin' to torment MOI!! Wows. What a difference 300 miles makes!!
ReplyDeleteAnyhu, I loved readin' all abouts your guys again!! And I have to say you guys do make FABulous models!!
Ruby ♥