
Blogville Town Meeting!

We can't believe it is time for Blogville's Town Meeting!! It was hard to get up after last night's fun at the Halloween Pawty. Unlike SOME puppies (JAKEY and ARTY!) I stayed away from Ruby's margarita's and snuck away from the Corn Maze in time to get a good nights rest! I am sssoooooo lucky my date Zaphod was so very understanding!!

Arty couldn't even get out of bed this morning and Bilbo was helping Sasha cook goodies for the Town Meeting thank goodness Jakey rolled out of bed just as Gussie drove up!

"Thanks for the ride Doodz, this is so very nice of you!"
 We are so very lucky that Gussie, the Doodz and BH&G agreed to drive the Limo,  Jakey was waaaayyyyy to hungover to drive!!

Riding in Style!!
We have made so many good friends, I know that is hard to believe seeing how we are opponents and all, but we have shared some really good times and really sad times. 

 We have a beautiful day for the debate....

You all better head over to Madi's and grab a seat, looks like we are about to get started!

Make sure to stop by the snack tent before or after the event to pick up some of Sasha's NOMMY snacks on a stick!!


Happy Howlaween Pawty!!!!

Welcome to our backyard, please make yourselves at home!!

 Thanks to Ernestine and Francine for coming by early and helping us clean!!!

 The Kitty Krew were the first to arrive, the Squirrel Queen sure did
get them cool costumes this year!!

Then my handsome angel date Zaphod and his classy and devilish sister Hayley got here. Doesn't Phod have the dreamiest eyes?!!!

Yay!!! Mayoress Madi is here, and she brought TREATS !!!!!!

Daisy, Emma(Lee and Phod's cousin) and Jake have joined Bouncing Bertie and his gal Addi in the Haunted Bouncy House!!

The Pupperazi and MamaCams are everywhere..... 
They caught Ranger visiting Arty's Beach to try out is eight legs

 Here are  Shiloh and Shasta looking elegant in the skeleton costumes!

 Marty is looking stylish as the Mad Catter Hatter!

Benji and Lassie are here in their adorable pumpkin costumes!!

 Chloe is looking too cool for school in her pink cheerleader costume!!!

Whitley is here to help guard against Zombie attacks!!!

Even the most beautiful Sugar was spotted giving out 
 nommy homemade treats,  thanks Sugar!!!

Look at Casey and Cinderella.....We may need a bit of their super powers in the scary corn maze....

Looks like the Doodz have things under control here....or do they??

Uh oh....Coccolino looks pretty scared (or maybe just cold??); thank goodness Roxy and Ernie aren't tooooo afraid because it doesn't look like the Po-Po are going to show up!!!

That will teach those Zombies to mess two little dogs that are dressed up against their will!!!!
Hmmmmmmm, wonder if there is more than just friendship between those two??

Speaking of Friendship, make sure you drop by Mona and Prissy's place. Their Mama
put together a special Halloween Pawty Smileybox!! Press HERE to visit Mona's place and watch the Smileybox!!!

Hey Bentley and Emma...can you round efurryone up for the hayride while I tell them about your Blog Hop???

That's right Bentley, Pierre and a few of their friends are hosting a Blog Hop if you scroll down to the very bottom of this post you can link your Halloween post to it!!

Now....Grab a Goody Bag

and some savory hot broth lattes(fish flavor or squirrel flavor!)......
 and let's go for a Blogville Hayride!!!

Happy Halloween Blogville!!!

Don't forget to link your Halloween post to the
Halloween Blog Hop hosted by
Bentley at Barking From the Bayou Oz from Oz the Terrier and Truffles from Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries, and Meows.



FFHT on Thursday...FTHT???

Before we start our story we wanted to ask if efurry one could send some extra POTP to Sasha, her Daddy is still very sick.
You can visit Sasha here to leave your paw prints!

Today we are taking part in Murphy and Stanley's
Fractured FridayThursday Hairy Tails!! To learn more about F.F.H.T. click the button above or press
We want to give a special THANK YOU DOODZ for moving FFHT to Thursday this month to free efurryone up for the Halloween Pawty tomorrow!!! Speaking of Pawty...here is today's story...

The Princess and the Pawty

Once upon a time there was a wonderful Princess and Mayoral candidate who wanted to have a Halloween party. She put out a notice to all Ville de Blog and the response was tremendous!! 

Then she remembered... "OH MY DOG....the Town Meeting is SATURDAY!!! AAAHHHHHHHH however will I be able to do both??!"

But.... "(I)She knew that there was no turning back now" 
and vowed that she would make it work!  She knew running for Mayor of Ville de Blog meant being a good hostess AND a good "manager"!

She talked her brother Jakey into putting up the Bounce house...

She sent Bilbo to the Corn Field to make sure the Corn Maize was ready...

She asked Arty to decorate the wagon for the hayride...

Then the Princess went to work getting the house and refreshments ready!!

 Before they knew it....just as the last Chewy box was unpacked....and efurryone sat down to relax...

Let the Pawty Begin!!! 

~~This may....ummmm.....be based on a true story~~
(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Tasty Tuesday - Green Bean Treats

This past weekend Mama made green beans for Oktoberfest at our church! She browsed the interwebs to see if green beans were good for us doggies. She found that they have lots of vitamins and fiber and that some humans feed green beans to their doggies every day.

Dory: Hey Mama...I like green beans, I know I do.....can I have a green bean??
Mama: Dory...,.they're good for you but I'm not sure you would eat it and you know I am not fond of chewed up green stuff on the floor....

Arty: Mama, I would LOVE green beans...you should give me some too!!
Mama: Arty....they are green, you know you don't like green things...and I don't want to find a pile of uneaten green beans

Jakey: Maybe I like green beans Mama???  They look pretty nommy, and you know I will eat just about everything!!
Mama: Ok...everyone can try one green bean!!


Dory: This smells like a vegetable.....I don't like vegetables.

Arty: It has a nice bite to it.....

Jakey: Nommy!!!

Dory: OK Mama you might have been right....I don't like green beans
Arty: Give it me Dory...I'll eat it!!

Do you all like green beans???

We are joining The Tasty Tuesday Blog Hop Today!!
Thanks Sugar and Kolchak for Hosting!


Monday Mama Mischief

A few of you were wondering if I had found a date for
this Friday's Halloween....

Well I am proud to announce that I have said
yes to the handsome and strong Zaphod! If you haven't met him you can visit him and his sister Hailey (and their Lady and Man) at The Hailey and Zaphod Chronicles

So now Geeky Mama has all these ideas about me going to the pawty as some girl named Trillion....seems as if Zaphod is named after Zaphod Beeblebrox, a two headed character in the book (and movie) The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy written by some author named Douglas Adams. I told her that I thought that was pretty silly, Phod is MUCH nicer than Zaphod Beeblebrox!!

She then decided we should go as my namesake Dory the and her BFF Marlin from Finding Nemo.....

I told her that Phod and I already had our costumes and to STOP being so 

We are taking part in the Monday Mischief Blog Hop, thanks to Alfie, Snoopy and My Brown Newfies for hosting!!