
You Gotta Have Friends!

Dory here today with my fishy friends! 

It is so very nice having so many friends both here and, of course, in Blogville!!

What is that, Daphne Dolphin, today is your birthday??  Sheesh, I can't believe I don't have that written down!! Happy Birthday Daphne!!

Seems Mama and I don't have many of our furiends 
Birthdays/Gotcha Days written down. Hailey and Phod sent us a copy of an older list they had (Thanks Guys!!) BUT, we have lots of new residents in Blogville and really need to make sure we have efurrybody's information so we can wish them all a happy birthday on their special day!

To make sure we don't miss anymore birthdays,  Mama and I decided we are going to update the list!

All you need to do to be on the list is have your assistant jot down the following information:

Your Name
Your Blog Address
Your Email address
Your Gotcha Day or Birthday (which ever you celebrate)
Also let us know if you want your mailing address on the list
(if you aren't on the Christmas Address List,  please include your mailing address)

Please email the info to Mama and I at 
beth (at) ebchristians (dot) com 
by January 31st. 

Mama and I are going to put all the information together and then we'll email the completed list to those on the list during the first week of February! 



  1. I'm going to try to persuade Gail to email…
    Toodle pip!

  2. Pawsome idea Dory! I just sent ya all of our info.

  3. I finks this is pawsome plan Dory, I haf often wished I knew pups birfdays
    I will get Mum on the case IMMEDIATELY......MUM!!!!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. We told Mara to email immediately, as in now, as in right now!!

    Oh, and happy birthday to Miss Dolphin.

    Miss Oswin and Brom from Norway

  5. Happy Birthday to Daphne Dolphin!

  6. Excellent plan! We have just sent you an email.

    Happy Birthday Daphne!

    We just love your pretty pictures Dory...and your necklace is beautiful!

  7. What a sweet idea. I will have to get on that later today! Have a wonderful day with your friends!

  8. Dory what a great idea!!!!! Happy Birthday to Daphne too...I bet she isn't as old as the old gray mare.
    MOL MOL Hugs madi your bfff

  9. Well, this is a brilliant idea!!! I will surely have my Ma email your momma with my birthday info.

  10. Hari OM
    Fab idea, as only you can have darling Dory!.... and ooooooohhhhh, you got a stuffy Nemo, and Dory.... I LOVE Nemo and Dory.... especially Dory... &*>... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  11. tell your mom, the lights in the back of the photos this past week, make your photos look magical to me... of course YOU are the STAR but don't tell the rest of your pack i said that.

  12. This is just wonderful! We think you already have our info but if you need anything just let us know!

    Keep Calm & Bark On,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. So nice of you to do this Dory. All our info is the same:)

  14. This is a great idea! we will get mom to send you an email later today
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & mabel

    Pee es
    You look lovely today Dory with your necklace on!!!
    I get my stitches out this afternoon - YAY!
    Mr Bailey

  15. We love your fish friends, they are so cool!
    What a nice idea :)
    Dip and Elliot x

  16. you have lots of cool friends
    Lily & Edward

  17. WE are on this Birfday List thingy... Like Stink on a Squirrel...

  18. we like your little fishes...we are emailing you now.
    stella rose

  19. Happy Birthday to Daphne Dolphin!!! Dory, how do you keep all your stuffie friends looking so nice? Ours are totally unrecognizable.

    We would love to join the birthday list. Is it a list just for the FURiends or does it include the humans too? We will get our assistant to send off that email.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  20. Woohoo! I'm going to have my mom send you all my info right away! Can't wait to get the list of all my furiends special dates!

  21. We just sent you our info. Thanks for putting this together.

  22. I have got to say that those photos of you with the fish are so beautiful! Your mom knows how to make incredible photos. Of course, your natural beauty helps!

  23. Aunt Dory, you are so nice to do this. Mommy has been wanting a birthday list so this is pawfect.

    Thank you

    Ziggy Out!!

  24. Thank you sooooo much for doing this for all of us! I'll send mine right away.

  25. Crikey Dory ..... how nice of you to think of this. You're not only nice but beautiful too. That necklace sure looks pretty on you. I'm going to get on to Mum to send our info ASAP!!

  26. Oh good! Was hoping we were going to do a list! Looking beautiful as always Dory! Love your pretty dress. Is your Mama excited for the next movie to come out?

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