
June Birthdays!

We are sorry we have been slacking on announcing Blogville Barkdays, but we are back in the groove and wanted to make sure to show you Blogville's  June Birthdays!!

June 6th - Wyatt's sister Tegan's First Birthday over at Gardening with Wyatt

June 17th - Edgar from Calamities

June 20th - Miss Angelique over at Lone Star Cats  

Make sure to stop by and wish them all a Happy Birthday!! 


Happy Birthday Arty!!

I can't believe I am FOUR years old already!!! 
Mama has been telling me all week that I am getting a very SPECIAL birthday pressie this year something about how I need to hit the Campaign Trail...

I told her I will be doing LOTS of SCHMOOZING at the BAR. But she says I also need some one on one training time...

Wow, it better be pretty big of it s only ONE pressie!


Wowsers, I will be traveling with Mama down to the great state of Texas where I was BORN!!
I will get to visit with Uncle Cowboy AND Uncle Rocky Puppy!! PLUS see Grandma, Grandpa and the WHOLE FAMILY!!

 As an extra added bonus, I can hand out campaign buttons along the way!!!

WOW...the BAR and then TEXAS...I am the luckiest pup EVER!!!

 ...meanwhile, in Texas


Remembering Those Who Served

“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Remembering those who have given their lives to protect ours..


BWSS - Arty is having a Birthday!

This year Arty is getting a very special birthday
 present, can you guess what it is??

Stop by on Tuesday to find out!

We are joining Nola and Sugar for Black and White Sunday this week!!
We are also joining The Cat on My Head this week for Selfie Sunday


Flower Friday at Sequoia Gardens


Before we start Flower Friday, we wanted to show you the most beautiful wreath that 
Isn't it beautimous!!!

Mama says you can tell lots of love went into creating it!!
Thanks to Stella, Maggie and Gussie for letting their Mama make this for us!

Today's Flower Friday pictures were taken at Sequoia Gardens!

It is part of Sequoia Park which has this cool forest...

...with real Sequoia Trees, it also has a Zoo and...

Just kidding, I am just visiting for the day!
They have a great garden, with the most beautimous seasonal flowers!

Right now they have beautiful Columbine flowers

Pink and Red Columbine...

White Columbine

and white and pale yellow Columbine!

This little red tower flower caught Mama's eyes, but we aren't sure what it is...

Mama just loved the Wisteria Arbor over the entrance to a greenhouse

Sequoia Gardens is one of my favorite walks and guess what???

All the pretty dahlias will be blooming soon, so we will definitely be back!

What flowers are blooming in your neighborhood??

Show us and hop aboard the Flower Friday Blog Hop!


Soft and Cuddly with #Earthbath

Dory here today to do a DBY review. I am sure it will be some delicious treat, because Mama said I am the perfect one to do the review!

 Did you hear that Boyz...Me, DORY, am the perfect one for the review!!

 What's that Mama?? We are reviewing a wonderful Earthbath Product today??  

Do I get to review those refreshing Grooming wipes?? They smell so nommy when you wipe us down before bedtime!! Arty really enjoys their ear wipes too!

Oh no Mama...really?? I am going to review their Oatmeal and Aloe shampoo?? I suppose my skin has been a bit itchy lately, but really, can't I just PRETEND to take a bath??

 Hmmmm.....it smells good. I think maybe you should bring this with us on our road trip . I may want to take a bubble bath in it before meeting Mr. Bailey!

Are we almost done Mama?? Why don't you tell the everyone about Earthbath's Oatmeal and Aloe Shampoo while I shake off!!

Thanks Dory!
 We here are DBY have been fans of Earthbath Products for awhile now.  How can you not like a product that is 100% natural AND 100% biodegradable. Keeping the pups clean and smelling fresh (without that "perfume-y" smell) while also not adding pollutants to the environment! Not only that, Dory's fur seems extra soft after using the conditioner! Speaking of Dory, let's hand things back to...

*wiping water off of face*

Sorry Mama...you may want to go put on some dry clothes, after my payment, of course! 

Speaking of payment, you do realize that taking a bath as part of a review requires hazard pay, right??? Make sure to add extra cookies to my modeling payment!!

Thanks Earthbath for keeping me so soft (the cuddly comes naturally)!!

We were not compensated for this review. We received Earthbath Oatmeal and Aloe Shampoo and Conditioner  in exchange for Dory and Mama's honest opinions.


Almost WW - Lost Dory???

Note from Mama: Thanks for all your Prayers for Bilbo. POTP does work!
 Tuesday morning Bilbo finally decided to "tank up" with a big drink of water after a nice size amount of food. We are taking it day by day, and the past 24 hours have been good and we'll take it!

We are joining  BlogPaws for Wordless Wednesday this week!


Paws Crossed for Bilbo

Arty here today, I am postponing my usual pawitical post today to ask for some POTP for my big brother Bilbo.

During the past week it seems he has gone almost completely blind and now isn't eating and drinking as much as he should be.  Mama and Daddy are working with our V-E-T in hopes to find something that will help him feel better. His blood and peepee tests looked good as of last week, but we think he is having a very hard time adjusting to not being able to see.

We would appreciate it if you could put your paws together and send healing vibes his way.  We see how well this works in Blogville everyday!


Dressing Up for Whitley

Today we are celebrating the life of the most beautiful
Whitley by looking our best! 
I am wearing a Whitley Mama creation, this is the tropical flamingo side!

Bilbo decided on the Pizap Purple Pimp look today, lookin' good Bilbo!

Jakey wanted a bit softer look and added his little purple cowboy hat showing his Texas heritage!

Arty went with the total Texas Longhorn look...with a thanks to Mabel for the pawesome looking cowboy hat!!

Here is the dolphin side of the dress Whitley's Mama made for me. 
 I call this my, "Under the Sea" look!

Please help us celebrate Whitley today. Join up to the Blog Hop so Whitley's family can hop around to see how beautimous Blogville looks today!!