
April Birthdays and some Jakey Fun!

Look at all the April Birthdays in April!!
Make sure to stop by and see them on their special day!
 April 1st - Phod at The Hailey and Zaphod Chronicles
April 7th - Travis at The Lone Star Cats
April 11th - Bella at Daisy Down Under
 April 17th - Pierre at Barking from the Bayou
April 18th - Denny from The Cowspot Dogs
April 21st - Wesley at Poodle at Play
April 24th - Sully at Sully's Blog
April 27th - Miss Oswin at Weighty Matters

I, Jakey, had a most pawsome Birthday yesterday!!
Mama and Daddy got me these very cool new squeaky toys!

Madi sent me this very adorable Birthday Card!!
Thanks Madi!!

I spent the day loving on my new stuffies and cuddling them and 
didn't even think of hurting them


They didn't even last an hour!!!

I hope you find some April Fool's mischief to get into today!! 

And a very Happy Birthday to our good furiend Zaphod over at 


Shopping Around the World on Jakey's 10th Barkday!!!

Happy 10th Barkday  to Jakey,  the strong silent middle boy here at Dory's Backyard !!!

 To help celebrate, and take part in Phenny's Shopping Around the World,  I thought I would make a nice  Pumpkin Crunchy Pie for dessert!!  It's very easy to make, you may remember Bilbo's basic Pumpkin Crunchy Recipe(click Here to transport). This is basically the same recipe with nommy yogurt topping!!

Here's what you need:
  • Your favorite kibble(we eat Blue's Life Protection) - about $1.75 cents a serving (1.64 EUR)
  • 1 tablespoonspoon or so of canned pumpkin(make sure it's 100% pure pumpkin not the pumpkin pie filling) - $1.97 a can
    (1.84 EUR)
  • 1 tablespoon or so of plain yogurt(we used greek yogurt) - $1.47 container(1.38EUR)

 Here's how you make it!
 Add one tablespoon of Pumpkin to the kibble

 Ask your assistant for a bit of help stirring things up
A-hem...Mama, do you mind??

 Make sure you mix it well and coat every piece of kibble for maximum nomminess!

 Make sure to give it a taste to make sure there is enough pumpkin mixed in the kibble. Pumpkin is good for us pups, so make sure your assistant doesn't try to skimp on it.

 To complete this nommy dish, add a dollup of delicious AND nutritious plain yogurt!

 Mmmmmmmmm, just smell that deliciousness!!!

 Now a little taste..and it's all ready for the Birthday Boy!!

 I suppose not everyfurry can be a foodie like me!

Tomorrow we'll show you how Jakey celebrated his special day!

We got all the tests results back, and the dogturs are still not sure what is wrong with Dory. We do know she doesn't have Cushing's disease, and the dogtur is trying to figure out exactly what is wrong. I will let you know she isn't doing well. She is not in pain though, she is sleeping most of the time but does still gets up for dinner and cookie time. Right now, we are living each day with her to the fullest and working with the dogtur to keep Dory comfy.

 I am going to start keeping our blog more lighthearted in order to keep me focused on the good and living each day with my BFF to the fullest.
Thanks again for all of your POTP and again, it's hard to put into words just how much your friendships mean to us.


I is Home!

I had my blood stolen...TWICE
I got loves and snuggles 
I got my tummy shaved and massaged with a metal thingy
I got more love and snuggles
I got a little piece of me sent to lab
and then I got even MORE love and snuggles!!
The dogtur should be calling Mama sometime this afternoon or tomorrow with the results of the tests.

We can't put into words how thankful we are for all of your POTP!


A Few Words on Wednesday

I wanted to thank everyone for all the prayers, POTP and good thoughts you have been sending my way. The dogtur called yesterday with my test results.  She says my bloods are very interesting!!
Right now they aren't sure what is wrong, but the dogtur is leaning toward Cushings disease. Sooooooo, I am headed back to the Vet this morning for an LDDS test(a test to see if I have Cushings) and they are also going to take pictures of my tummy(an abdominal ultrasound).

 Hopefully these tests will help the dogtur find out how to make me feel better! In the meantime, thanks again for your continued POTP!


Beach Blanket Bingo Dance!

Mabel and I can't  think of a better way to  a day of fun in the sun  than with a Sunset Beach Blanket Bingo Dance!

What's Beach Blanket Bingo???
Just take a look at Frankie(Avalon not the cute Frankie Furter) and Annette:
Click HERE to view on YouTube
Doesn't that look like FUN?!?! So grab a blanket, your date(or meet one there) and join us for night of fun and dancing under the stars!!

Send your picture either dressed to dance on the beach, or ready for Jakey to dress it up to
our assistant(aka Mama) at  
April 20th

Make sure to keep your eyes open around Blogville for other ways to take part in Blogville's Spring Break on April 24th!!!

Thanks So Much!

I wanted to thank efurryone for all of your POTP.
The dogtur still isn't sure what is wrong with me, but they took some blood and 
poked and prodded me.  They ruled out tummy issues, and told Mama I should keep eating pumpkin crunchies.
My biggest problem is that I am tired
I don't have much energy at all to boss my brothers around,
hopefully they won't get into too much trouble

Please keep up the POTP
Mama and I will keep you up to date on my progress.

Spring Break Pawty!

Who's ready for some sun and fun!!! 
After all the snow, rain and cold temperatures around the country this winter, we bet you're ready for sun and warmth!!

Before you go ANY FURTHER....transport over to the Idaho Pug Ranch to see what  Mr. Bailey and Dory are planning! 
Don't worry...we'll wait

 Dory and Bailey were relaxing in the Blogville City Lounge talking REAL LOUD 'cause how else could Mabel and I kinda overhear them.

 Well, Mabel and I got to thinking they would really miss us if they were to go down to the tropics without us. I mean come on, what would they do all by themselves?? They would end up sitting on the beach relaxing all day.

 So we came up with an idea to surprise them! 

We checked the budget, and saw that we had some leftover money in 2016 Budget! If we kept expenses down, we could afford to take ALL of Blogville with us to surprise Dory and Bailey on their tropical vacation!!

 We did some research on the interwebbies and found a pawsome fun place to hold the pawty!!! 
It's right on the beach next door to where Dory and Bailey are staying!!!
We already have some great activities planned:
  • Mr. Bailey will be taking us along on his vacation with Dory,
  •  Oreo is going to snoopervise surfing, 
  • Murphy and Stanley are going to take us underwater for some fun
  •  Madi is going to transport us to a fun park !
  • Blogville Caterer, Abby Lab will also be on hand with some delicious foodables!
  • We are also going to see if Ruby can teach the paw-tender to make her famous Ruby-ritas!
Then...as the sun goes down, Mabel and I are planning a Beach Blanket Bingo Pawty!!

So, get your passports ready and be at the airport ready to fly down to the tropical warmth for a day of epic fun in the sun on April 24th!! 
There will be a blog hop ready for you to hop around to all the events !

Stay tuned in the coming days for more information on how you can be part of all these fun activities!
 Tomorrow, here at Dory's Backyard, Mabel and I will let you know how you can be a part of the Beach Blanket Bingo Dance!!


BW Selfie Sunday

I asked Mama to take a tropical selfie of me today!!!

In honor of Angel Sugar, we will continue the tradition of 
Black and White  Sundays.

We are joining The Cat on My Head this week for Selfie Sunday

 Have you stopped by the Blogville Comedy Film Festival yet??
They have the projector up and ready, make sure to stop by for some giggles!!


Fun Vacation Planning!

Mama and Daddy finally told us about how this year, instead of abandoning us to go away, Bilbo would be getting a week long vacation with Nanny Ally and the rest of the family is going camping

 We are planning things we want to do!

...and making lists of things not to forget!
If any of you have been camping we would appreciate any and all advice you could give us!

 We are going to head up the 101 and go around the Washington State Peninsula!!

 We don't leave until the end of April...

...but we CAN'T WAIT!!!


Thursday Tidbits

 We wanted to share a couple tidbits with you today...
First off..make sure to stop by Monday for a special Blogville Announcement!

 Next, don't forget that on Friday, April 7th we will start holding Flower Friday every week!

Finally, make sure you tune in tomorrow, we will be telling you all about our upcoming family vacation!!

Thanks for stopping by for Thursday Tidbits!!


Happy Spring!!!

Wake up Dory!!! It's the first day of SPRING!!

But it's raining outside  Mama! 
Shouldn't the sun be out on the first day of Spring??

That's ok Dory, we can play indoor games!!

Hello little Bunny, want to play a game???

We can also have fun doing photo shoots and getting cookies,  Dory!!

Uh oh.....bunny ear season

Maybe you should just wake me up when it's Summer,  Boyz....