
Thankful Thursday

 Hi everyone! Today I want t tell you about my big adventure yesterday!
BUTT, before I start...Have you heard?? 
Frankie and Ernie are celebrating THREE THOUSAND POSTS TODAY!
To celebrate they are having a contest over at their place!!
Click HERE to transport over and give them a paw bump or two!!

Now...back to my adventure!! It all started when Mama said we were going to make a "quick visit" to the V-E-T for my annual vaccinations.

 "Are you sure there won't be any poking or prodding Mama???"

 "They called my name Mama, let's go!!"

 "You were right Mama, easy peasy!! Now, let's pay the peoples and get outta here!!"

When we were all done,  Mama said since I was such a good girl we could stop at the drive thru coffee cookie window on the way home. Mmmmmm, those cookies were good!! 

 When we got home Mama went to her office and I curled up to take a little nap...but after a few minutes I started getting VERY itchy!!!
When I went in to see Mama.....

She TOTALLY FREAKED OUT was pretty concerned and called the dogtur's office who told Mama it would be a good idea for me to come back and let the dogtur take a look at me.

Mama called Daddy and he came home and picked us up.  He drove and Mama sat in the back seat with me.  When we got to the dogtur they gave me an antihistimine shot and a steroid shot and held me hostage for two whole hours (where I too a very nice nap without having any brothers touching me)! 

Finally, Mama and Daddy came back to pick me up and take me home.
My eyes are still a little puffy...but I hear greenies are very good for allergies, right Mama???

I am very thankful for all the POTP that my furiends sent to me through Facebark and email....
POTP really does work!


  1. Oh nose Dory, don't be poorly sweetie! Sending you lots of POTP from here as well, take care and get your beautiful eyes all betters and well real soon…and yes, I'm CERTAIN greenies will help
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  2. Oh what an icky adventure you had.... yes, I hope that greenies will help to chase that allergies away... hugs to you we send potp and weim-power for a speedy healing...

  3. Oh Dory, how horrid for you and scary for your Mama and Daddy. Was it a reaction to the shot or the cookies??
    So pleased you're better now. (Greenies are definitely the best medicine).
    Toodle pip!

  4. You poor thing, Dory. I think you deserve the entire box of Greenies!

  5. Dory we just heard about this reaction. We are so sorry you had it and hope you are not itchy at all today. POTP.

  6. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dory not your sweet precious eyes all swollen and itchy. It is amazing how a day will turn on you in a heart beat. I'm so sorry and I send you 87 tons of potent kitty kisses and slobber. Thank goodness it was caught early and I hope and purr you are feeling like aDORable Dory today.
    Many hugs from your kitty bfff
    Madi and mom

  7. Oh dear, I got tears in my eyes when I saw your sweet face all red and itchy. so glad it was a simple fix, and now I am wondering which shot did that to you. sorry you had to stay at the vet but thankful you are better. kisses

  8. Yikes! That was frightening! What caused it, do you know? Hope you are still doing better.

  9. Hari OM
    OMD Dory - something didn't agree wid ya... you be extra careful now!!! Sending POTP to add to the completion of healing. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  10. Dory my sweet, I was so worried about you and had mom checking facebark every minute till I knew you were back home and doing better. Hope you are feeling better this morning.
    sending you tons of love
    Mr Bailey

  11. That's so skeery!! My aunt Gracie, Grandma and Grandpa's dog, had a really bad reaction to her vaccines when she was a pup and nearly died. She has to have her vaccines spaced out and with Benadryl now. We're glad your reaction wasn't so bad.

  12. Oh you poor baby next time call them and you could take a Benadryl. Sending you lots of love and hugs and kisses
    Lily & Edward

  13. Oh Dory, so sorry to hear that. They had better take really good care of you! Sending you lots of klemmer (those are Norwegian hugs) from all of us.

    Mara, Brom and Miss Oswin from Norway

  14. Oh poor sweet Dory, so sorry you had the eye itchies. Hope your 100% now. Sam says to play the pity card. It helps to get more treats that way. Sweet dreams sweet girl and hope there aren't many more V. E. T. visits in the near future.

  15. Oh I know, I saw it on the book of faces yesterday. Me and mom felt so bad for you. Bless your heart but I'm so glad to see your beautiful eyes are back to normal.

    Aroo to you,

  16. Wow, how did that happen so fast!!! Your sweet little face looks so sore to us. We are glad your Mom is so observant and got you right back to the vet for some relief.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  17. OMD OMD DORY... OH what a terrible thingy to have happened. We are GLAD that you are all better... butt OMD that was AWFUL. You must have been MISERABLE. We had to have our annual shots yesterday... and mom had the Benedryl out and ready... JUST IN CASE.


    PeeS... thanks fur the shout out about our 3,000th Post.

  18. Oh, Dory! We heard about this via mom's FB stuff. We are SO SORRY! We know how scary it is! When Maggie was a wee little puppy, she had a bad, bad reaction, too. It scared something called the bejesus out of our mom - and me, too! And Dad and Zim! Oh, it was horrible! We're so glad your mom reacted right away and got you the help you needed!

  19. Oh Dory you looked just like us when that happened at our house, except with your beautiful white hair it really showed up. We are so glad you are doing fine now. It is scary for our parents. stella rose

  20. You sure gave us a scare Dory. We're so relieved that you are feeling better today.

  21. You gave us a huge scare, Dory! I'm so glad that you're okay. That used to happen to Angel K whenever she was bitten by a tick or a spider. We'd "totally freak out" too!

    Thanks goodness that you're okay!

  22. Crikey Dory ...... you poor thing. You really looked crook all swelled up like that. I'm sure glad you're feeling better now.

  23. OMD!!!! GURL!!!!! OMD!!!!!! How super duper scary!!!! Ma has totally neglected my faceybook, so I didn't hears! Yeah, maybe from now on your vettie can gives you a benadryl shot along with the vaccine. Man, I am so glads you are feelin' betters....I thinks that should gets like 87 cookies and a pitcher of margaritas!!!! (and a pitcher for your Moms....)
    Ruby ♥

  24. You poor baby. You really worried your mom and dad and all your friends. We're so glad you were only held captive a couple hours and could go home. Hope you are all better today. Quite a scare.


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