
Thankful Thursday and February Birthdays

 Jakey here today, to let everyone know how very thankful I am for my outside couch. The temperatures here in Northy North California stay between 45 and 70 degrees all year round. Since the couch is on our covered porch,  I can come out here, even in the rain, to find some peace and quiet(without any certain puppy bitey-ing me)!

Plus....I can do a little kitty watching while I'm relaxing!!


Now...let's take a look at our February Blogville babies!

 February 1st - Wallace - The Chronicles of Wallace and Samuel
February 3rd - Murphy - Murphy and Stanley
February 3rd - Stanley - Murphy and Stanley
February 7th - Charlie - Charlie Downunder in Oz
February 9th - Fenris - ATCAD
February 14th - Daisy  - Daily Daisy Dog Blog
February 15th - StellaRose - Three Little Pugs
February 15th - Angus (Gussie) - Three Little Pugs 
February 18th - Bertie - Bouncing Bertie's Blog
February 24th - Buddy - Gospel of Goose 
February 27th - Ziggy - Ziggy Takes on the World
February 28th - Dakota - Dakota's Den

 Don't see your name?? 
Mama make a mistake?? 
No worries, these calendars are easily updated!!!
Just email Mama at bethblog(at)ebchristians(dot)com with any additions or


Practicing My Moves

I'm practicing my touchdown dancing for the Superbowl this weekend!
I call it the "Arty Roachy"


ToT-The Blue Neck Donut

Last Friday I had my big girl surgery. I like being a big girl...but this donut, not so much.

 I don't remember much after Mama dropped me off at the dogtur, but now have a hair free tummy with an itchy spot that I want to lick and lick  but I CAN'T because of this silly blue donut!

 Mama gives me nommy treats that make me sleepy and makes my tummy not so itchy...and then the blue donut magically disappears.

But when I wake up it is always back around my neck!
I say PPPttthhhhhhhwap to neck donuts!!


Monday 'Minders

Arty here today,  are you ready for a FUN 
Blogville Valentine's Day in Paris??

 Miss Madi is organizing a most wonderful Creative Critter Couture,  MC'd by the one and only Fifi the French Poodle! Transport HERE to find out how you can be part of the furboulous event!

 Don't forget to get your postcards ready to display during the "Post Cards From Paris" Blog Hop! Click HERE to read more about it!

  Jakey will be teaching "Making Post Cards 101"  next Monday if you need help making your post card!

Mama can also help you make your card, just email her (beth(at)ebchristians(dot)com) and let here know!

Now, for a very special invitation....
Mabel, will you be my Paris Post Card Valentine in Paris??

I can't wait to see everyone there!!!


Postcards from Paris on Valentine's Day

Arty here today to tell you all about how we listened to your suggestions last week and put together something we hope you'll love for this Valentine's Day!

As you heard from Rosy earlier this week, Blogville is heading to Paris for Valentines Day and we thought you might want to send post cards home to your peeps to tell them what a great time you are having without them.

So Jakey and I,  along with Madi and Rosy,  
are hosting a....

Postcards from Paris Blog Hop!! 

That's right,  "take a picture" of yourself in Paris and do a post about the fun you are having and then hop aboard the Postcards from Paris Blog Hop!!

Right about now we bet your asking, 
"What the heck is Arty talking about?"!

Welllllll...Let's see if Jakey explain it a bit better!
Bonjour Arty,  I will be holding a special Valentine Post Card Art Class on  Monday, February Fifth to help you design your post card. On February 14th,  our Administrative Assistant(aka Mama) will set up a Blog Hop so you can post your card!

It can be romantic  like this one of Mabel and Arty
OR it can be a snapshot of you and your family or bestie having fun seeing the Paris sights!

Mama has also agreed to help out by designing some cards and emailing them back to you. 
Email her by February 8th(our email address is on our side bar) and let her know who you would like in your photo(you may need to email her a picture if you haven't participated in a recent Blogville event) and she will take care of the rest!

I bet it is going to seem like 87 years before 
Valentines Day gets here!!!
I can't WAIT!!!



Almost Wordless Wednesday-Oo-La-La!

Don't forget to tune in Friday to learn more about 
the Valentine's Day in Paris Blog Hop!


Tongue Out Bath Tuesday

 I don't care how good it smells, Mama...

 I STILL don't like baffs!!

Sometimes, Mamas can be so very cruel!!!


Oo-La-La Valentine's Day in Paris

That's right Blogville, save the date and start thinking of how you will be celebrating Valentine's Day in 

Arty and Jakey will be back on Friday to give you more information!!


Fun Friday

Mayor Arty, along with my beautimous Vice-Mayor Mabel, here today with a question for Blogville residents. We are a little stumped on what to do for Valentine's Day this year...Another dance, maybe a blog hop to show us how you celebrate the day of love?
I know Mabel and I like visiting different places through the magic of our imaginations(and our Mamas imaginations too!).
Give us your idea and let's make this a special Blogville Valentine's Day!!


Thankful Thursday - Chewin'

 Rosy here today taking part in Brian's Thankful Thursday to tell you how very thankful I am for my chewies!

 I like all kinds of chewies, I have elk antlers and rubber chewies and even a leather chewy! Right now, my most favorite is my Himalayan chewy! I like making little teeth marks all the way around it!

 Then I chewy each end to a point!

 Sometimes I am a nice sister and let Jakey chew on my chewy too!

 He knows the value of a good chewy.  He also likes when I chew on it first to make it soft for him.

 Then he chews off the little pieces of cheesy goodness!

What kind of chewies are you thankful for??

 Today, we are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!