Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!! Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the New Rulez and join the FFF fun!!

An Ode to a Leaf
by Sunny
I chase
I catch
I examine
I bitey
Leafs are da best!
I catch
I examine
I bitey
Leafs are da best!
From Mama:
We'll be taking the next week off from blogging while we ease into a new full pack routine :-)
We'll return next Friday for Nature Friday!
We'll be taking the next week off from blogging while we ease into a new full pack routine :-)
We'll return next Friday for Nature Friday!

us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a
picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE to go to our Hoppity Page.