For some reason, Mama thinks we look like long, haired freaky puppies.
Mama: Aaaawwww, look at those beautiful eyes!
Us: Was that really necessary???
Spa Days are exhausting!!!
December 26, 2003 - April 9, 2017
Morning coffee, just us two
Snuggling you close, when feeling blue
Road to nowhere, you by my side
Never met a stranger, heart open wide
Saying you love me with those beautiful eyes
The hardest thing in life was saying goodbye
Today is the trifecta of events as we combine Final Friday Fiction, Rememberence Day and Nature Friday.
Although I am already much bigger than my Angel brother Bilbo, I think I do look a little like him. He was very handsome, wasn't he??
Mama seems to think we need to give this shirt to Sunny and I may need to go on a D-I-E-T.
How RUDE! This is 100% muscle, not fat!!
Today, I am thinking back on my life so far. Can you believe I turn four months old today??
Here I am at one month old. I sure was a cute little tike, wasn't I??
It sure is hard to believe four months has gone by and I have gone from Washington to California and from an itty bitty puppy to(almost) a grown up girl wearing dresses!!
Where is the cookie bar in this Limo???
Home Mama, on the double, we are almost out of cookies!
Today I am thankful to have Mama as my own pawsonal chauffeur and cookie-tender!