
End of Summer Flamingo Fling

With Labor Day coming up this weekend, Mama thought it would be nice to have and end of Summer Flamingo Fling photo shoot. No problem, Mama! I am always up for some fun photo shoots, as long as the treats are flowing!

Since Sunny is now the baby flamingo of the house,  I told her SHE had to wear the flamingo hat! 


I think I look much more grown up in this beach ha....
What's that Mama???

MAMA!! I know I'll always be your baby girl BUT...
Oh well, should have kept my moozle shut.
(I'm going to have to talk to Jakey about chewing up this silly hat! )
 Hope you all are enjoying the last days of Summer...without having to wear silly hats!

We are joining our friends at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Peace, Love and Sister Spa Days!

 Peace, Love and Sister Spa Days!

For some reason, Mama thinks we look like long, haired freaky puppies.




Mama: Aaaawwww, look at those beautiful eyes!

Us: Was that really necessary??? 


Spa Days are exhausting!!!



We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Remembering Dory on Pet Remembrance Nature FF Friday


December 26, 2003 - April 9, 2017


Morning coffee, just us two

Snuggling you close, when feeling blue

Road to nowhere, you by my side

Never met a stranger, heart open wide

 Saying you love me with those beautiful eyes

The hardest thing in life was saying goodbye






Today is the trifecta of events as we combine Final Friday Fiction, Rememberence Day and Nature Friday.


Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with  YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the New Rulez and join the FFF fun!!

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day was created by Deb Barnes of Zee and Zoey’s Cat Chronicles, author of Purr Prints of the Heart – A Cat’s Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond,  and founder of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.



True Colors

Today I am very thankful to be heading out for a Sister Spa Day with Rosy. For some reason, Mama is worried I will be coming home looking like a totally different girl! You see, there has been tons of discussion on whether or not I will remain this cute ginger-y apricot puppy, or if I will become a bit lighter.

As you can see, my Birth Dad is a mix of both red and white...while my Birth Mama was mostly creamy blonde with black and red tips!

  What color do you think I'll be when I come back from my spa day today? Here are some pictures Mama snapped of me last weekend so you can see all the pretty colors I am now!
Mama says I seem to be getting more blonde hair on the top of my head and, although she doesn't have an arrow
pointing at it, inside of my black moozle hairs, is a brighter white

My undercarriage is mostly creamy red/tan with lighter tan/creamy white pantaloons. 
It also loves belly rubs!
Most of the rest of my body is tan/red but Mama has noticed that I have a white line running down my back. Plus, my undercoat is a light cream color!


Although I am already much bigger than my Angel brother Bilbo, I think I do look a little like him. He was very handsome, wasn't he??


Daddy says I have inherited more than a bit of Bilbo's  "Lhasa-tude" too.
What so you all think? Have you ever met a puppy who has changed color as they grew? I kinda like that I am a Mystery Color Girl.
I do have to say,  I am very thankful Rosy will be with me during our Spa Day to hold my paw if I get scared. Plus, she'll get to be the first one to see my new "fur do"!!! 

 Stay tuned on Monday to see my "After Spa Day" picture!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Muscle Man

Mama seems to think we need to give this shirt to Sunny and I may need to go on a D-I-E-T.

 How RUDE! This is 100% muscle, not fat!!

This can be my new muscle shirt, right?!?!



Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Happy at Four Months

Today, I am thinking back on my life so far. Can you believe I turn four months old today??

 It seems like just yesterday I was 10 days old, and still living in my home state of Washington with my birth mother!

Here I am at one month old. I sure was a cute little tike, wasn't I??


 Here I am on my Gotcha Day, only 5 days before my Two Month Birthday!


 By three months,  I was becoming a pro at modeling hats and bandanas. I have to say, those treats Mama uses for my salary sure are delicious!


It sure is hard to believe four months has gone by and I have gone from Washington to California and from an itty bitty puppy to(almost) a grown up girl wearing dresses!!

We are joining our friends at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Aaaawwwwwrty and Jakey Monday

You  going to give  us those cookies,  Mama?? 

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


A Little Aloha on Nature Friday

Welcome to Nature Friday, where once a week we try to find a little bit of Nature to share with our friends! Any kind of nature will do, we always love visiting different parts of  Blogville to see all the beautimous things our friends have found!  We love meeting new friends, please feel free to post a picture of the nature in your area and hop along with us!
This week we'll each be showing you our favorite pictures Mama took on a recent outing!! To make things more fun, we decided to spread some aloha this week by dressing Hawaiian to cheer up your Friday!
 Let's start with my(Rosy) favorite. I love this little nature bouquet of pink! The itty bitty pink flowers have a lovely pink petaled babysitter!

 My turn!! It was hard to pick a favorite flower, all of them are so pretty this time of year!

 I like this purple anemone dahlia. 
It's colorful, just like me!!

Wow Arty, that it a beautiful color and guess what??

My favorite was an anemone dahlia too!!

But mine is yellow....It matches my furs, don't you think!!!
My turn, My turn!!! Wow this Nature Friday thing is sooo cool! 
Thanks for letting me play this week Rosy!!

I loved these Penstemon Rubycondas!  Don't the white throats look so pretty on the red flowers?!!

I don't even want to know how Sunny knew the name of that flower. 
The girl is too smart for her own good but she plays a mean game of bitey face BOL!! 
We hope you enjoyed seeing our flowers this week and hope everyone will Spread the Aloha Spirit this weekend!
Spread Aloha - show compassion for others, always lend a helping hand, be mindful of one another's feelings, take care of the land, treat everyone with respect, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, be kind, show respect, etc.. etc..

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.



Driving Mr. Arty

Where is the cookie bar in this Limo???



Home Mama, on the double, we are almost out of cookies!


 Today I am thankful to have Mama as my own pawsonal chauffeur and cookie-tender! 



Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



