
Nature Friday Flowery Fun!

In honor of the first day of Spring tomorrow,  I thought we would celebrate with a few more March blooms.


 Here are some red  camilla blooms that remind me of Aunty HiC!

 This soft pink Camilla is Rosy's favorite because of the color but I like the soft petals.

If you think this pink and white Camilla bloom is unique...
 Just look at this pink and red variation...
Sooooo pretty, right??
 But it's not all about the camillas!
Here are a few other blooms!

A pretty hyacinth
 Some California Poppies

Hopefully this pretty orange flower
will bring a sunny weekend!!


 I hope you all enjoyed my blooms this week! We hope your  First Day of Spring full of blue skies
 and Sunshine!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.

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  1. you are the cutest flower power pup! and the poppies are still there? wow!

  2. Hari Om
    Oh Jakey - your flowers brought a sparkle to my eyes - and your outfit brightened them further!!! Huts and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Your flowers are just gorgeous, Jakey, but we especially love those beautiful camellias!

  4. No flowers here, the snow from the other day is still melting but we don't mind. You look like you are a Hawaiian pup with all the flowers there.

  5. Nephew Jakey!!!Ohhh yes indeedy I'm sure red translates to Aunty HiC dog speak. You know the redder the better in my book
    Tell Momma thanks for all the blooms today.
    Hugs Aunty HiC

  6. Oh what joyful spring blooms, and Jakey, your outfit perfectly captures the mood.
    Toodle pip!

  7. It's nice to see some pretty flowers! It'll be a few more weeks before we get any blooms.

  8. Look at you all prettied up for spring. Love all the flowers too.

    This morning it's raining and I don't see that changing. Perhaps tomorrow the sun will show up.

    Have a woof woof day and weekend. My best to your siblings and your mom. ♥

  9. Happy First Day of Spring! We love the flowers and you look paw-dorable, Jakey!!

  10. You sure found some pretty flowers Jakey! Dang, sorry if it seems like I'm ignoring you, for some reason your new blog posts aren't showing up in my feed reader.

  11. Jakey! Wow, spring has sprung there. I remember California poppies very well from when we lived there. I love them! Happy Spring, Jakey!

  12. WoW! Your flowers are lovely! We love them all! We hope you guys have a totally awesome day!

  13. Lulu: "Dada's favorites are the orange ones! Of course!"

  14. My goodness your flowers are a whole lot farther along than ours. And that pink camelia is incredible!!

  15. Hi there, please tell us when we will see a follow up!
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  16. OMD Jakey dat flower crown looks bomb.com on you!!! We luff all your flower pictures they are so pawretty. Our first day of spring was rather windy, cloudy and extrememly cold fur Florida ;)

    Matt & Matilda


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