This is One!
That's right, last Sunday was my very first birthday!!!

To celebrate, Rosy, Mama and Daddy took me to the Mountains to celebrate!

The weather was pretty warm(for the mountains)when we first got there and we went for a nice long hike in the campground. Daddy even took me on my first swing!!
When I woke up on the morning of my birthday I saw white stuff falling from the sky!!
What the what???

Mama told Rosy and I all about the snow. How it usually happens in the Winter, but we were lucky and were seeing some in the Spring!!!

It settled on the ground, and even on the trees!!

We even got to go for walkies in the Wint...ummm, I mean Snowy Spring Wonderland!

It did sure was pretty...and pretty cold too!
Here is a short movie Mama put together of my First Birthday, including me enjoying a birthday treat!
You can also watch it HERE, on YouTube

Snow is nice, but next year I think I want to try someplace Trawpical for my birthday.