
A Game of Cat and Mouse on Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

Welcome to Backyard Wildlife Wednesday, that day of the week we let Mama share some footage TC(our Trail Camera) has taken in our backyard. You are not going to believe what we saw when we were helping Mama go through TC's footage....We have KITTIES that prowl our yard at night...Mama says she wishes they wouldn't use our yard as a litter box(because some tan puppy likes kitty "snacks"), and she's not sure how she feels about them hun...

Well, take a look for yourself:

Stay tuned next week for more on the Kitties nemisis' Benjy and Frankie

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


  1. ooh kitkat bars in your yard? that is super, we come over....

  2. Hari OM
    Oh my... that's the thing with cats. It's a kinda love/hate relationship!

    Meanwhile, love your new banner - Newmar looks like it's ready for the road!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. He must be looking for birdies but owls are looking for snacks too. It's best to stay home at night, Mr Kitty. Love your new blog header!

  4. The last two years we had Bert he was outside and would use the yard as a litterbox too. Mom didn't like it because sometimes we dogs would snack on it. She would race out and pick it up if she saw it happening but it was a problem.

  5. What a mixed bag of stuff. Da birds are dropping the seeds and the mice are cleaning them up and Benjy and Frankie are taking care of the mouse population but dog gone it they need to go back to Litter Box 101 training. What a real PITT I guess Mama is on loo poop clean up al the day.
    Hugs Aunty C

  6. I said to Bob, watch, the cat has a mouse in its mouth and wow, say that 3 times quickly. it good to have mouse hunters and bad to have poop for someone we all know and love who eats poop, and Beau says welcome to the puppy poop eater club. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the header, makes me smile and feel good

  7. It's too bad you can't do something to keep the cats out of your yard. Do they climb over your fence or find a little tunnel under it to get in? We would probably be enjoying those kitty snacks if we found some in our yard too. That new header is so cute!

  8. I love your new header. It's perfect.

    You two are so cute.

    I love the video. Cat and mouse indeed.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the girls and my very best to their wonderful peeps. ♥

  9. You have the wild kingdom going on outside your door

  10. You sure do have a busy backyard all hours of the day sweet girls! Hey, your new header is so cool!

  11. Oh my cat! There's a whole lotta traffic moving around in your backyard. Absolutely LOVE your new header. Bravo.


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