
Dropping off Treats for the Shelter and Thank You!!

Welcome to the final day of Treats for Shelters!!! If you aren't linked up yet, make sure to link to our Blop Hop by writing  a Halloween post about how you have/are or are going to help a shelter!

 We are donating $1 (1 green paper) for every Linky to Williamson County Animal Shelter where both Arty and Jakey spent time! We are also donating 50 cents for every comment made on Friday, Saturday and Sunday so make sure to tell your fur-iends to stop by and say hi!

Today we are taking our treats, blankies and towels over to the shelter! Mama said I could wear my pumpkin dress instead of wearing a costume (THANK DOG!!)

We got the car all packed up and headed over!!!

 The shelter is only a few minutes from our house....but it is the only animal shelter in the county!!
(our county is over 3000 square miles)

I stayed in the car while Mama carried in the boxes. The people at the shelter are always 
very nice when we drop things off for them. They REALLY liked the peanut butter and all the blankies!!

It always feels good knowing we are helping 
furr-iends in need!

 We have loved reading how our friends have helped animals in all corners of Blogville!!! Thanks also for linking up and commenting. We will let you know tomorrow how many green papers we helped raise for Williamson County Animal Shelter!!!

Thanks so much for joining us for the
2015 No Tricks Just Treats for Shelters!! 
We hope to see you next year!!!


Treats for Shelters - Happy Halloween!!!



Welcome to the second day of Treats for Shelters!!! If you aren't linked up yet, make sure to link to our Blop Hop by writing  a Halloween post about how you have/are or are going to help a shelter!

 We are donating $1 (1 green paper) for every Linky to Williamson County Animal Shelter where both Arty and Jakey spent time! We are also donating 50 cents for every comment made on Friday, Saturday and Sunday so make sure to tell your fur-iends to stop by and say hi!

Today, I (Bilbo) am going to let you know how we decided to help our local shelter!

It all started when Arty and Mama saw this sign when they went to the V-E-T.  As soon as they showed it to me, I got things organized! First, I sent Mama to the store to get some treaties and peanut butter. Arty was in charge of guarding those and, well,  we all saw how that went yesterday! I told Mama to put the treaties in the car so Arty the mean pumpkinhead couldn't get into them!

These aren't going to fold themselves...DORY, ARTY, JAKEY!!
Next, I went through all the closets and had Mama get out all the old towels and blankets.
87 hours later I came up with this big pile!

I had the youngin's help fold and roll everything!

Then I had them put them neatly in the box.

OK Mama, you can put them in the car with the treats!

Join us tomorrow when Mama and Dory take a ride to the animal shelter to drop off the boxes!

We hope all our fur-iends have a Safe and Happy Halloween!


Treats for Shelters - FFHT Pumpkin Mischief!

Welcome to the first day of Treats for Shelters!!! Make sure you link up to our Blop Hop with a Halloween post about you have/are or are going to help a shelter animal! We are donating $1 (1 green paper) for every Link up to Williamson County Animal Shelter where both Arty and Jakey spent time! The Hop will be going on through Sunday so make sure to tell your friends!!

Today is also FFHT hosted by the Mayorz of Blogville, Murphy and Stanley! All you need to do for FFHT is tell a story that has the "phrase of the month"! This month's phrase is:
"After that I never turned my back on another pumpkin."
   We had the PERFECT way to fit that in to our Treats for Shelters post today!! Click HERE to read more about FFHT!

Arty here, You might remember seeing Mr. Evil Pumpkinhead in one of our posts earlier this week.  He shows up every now and then during dress up season...isn't he the SCARIEST Mr. Pumpkinhead EVER??!! Well,  he was causing pumpkin mischief while we were getting all our donations together to take to the animal shelter!!

Hey doggies....is that a SQUIRREL I see outside???
We all ran out of the house faster than fast because we have NEVER seen a squirrel outside!!!

Well we should have known better because we came back inside to this:
That does NOT sound good!!!

DRATS, those doggies are too smart for his own good!!!!

Whew...that was a close one!! Evil Mr. Pumpkinhead almost got into some of the nommies we were getting together for the doggies waiting for furr-ever homes!!

After this, I will never turn my back on another pumpkin!!!

Hmmmmmmm, I think Arty might be covering up for some mischief he was getting into with that FFHT story!!

Don't forget to leave us a comment, and tell your friends to leave comments! We will be donating 50 cents per comment (in addition to the $1 hop donations) to Williamson County Animal Shelter!!!

We are also joining our fur-iends Bentley over at BFTB and Sugar 
for their fun, fun, fun Halloween Spooktacular Blog Hop!!!


Decisions, decisions...

Jakey, Arty and Dory are hemming and hawing about what to dress up for on Halloween this year....I, Bilbo, don't know what the big deal is!

 Jakey thinks he wants to be an angel,

 But maybe he will be a scary lion instead!!

 Arty makes a cute Unicorn...

 but he likes being a vampire bat too!
(ok, like may be stretching it a bit)

 Dory is torn between being either Super Girl....

Or a Spider Princess!!

    Me? I'm going to be a very handsome and debonair Lhasa Apso!

Are you dressing up for Halloween???

Don't Forget tomorrow starts our Treats for Shelters
Blog Hop and Fundraiser!! Click HERE or on the badge above for more information.


Just About Wordless Wednesday

Is it a Princess??

Is it a Diva??

Nope, it's Super Diva Princess Dory!!!

We are joining  BlogPaws for Wordless Wednesday this week!


Tasty Pumpkin Tuesday with #Chewy.com

What a surprise it was when Mama told us in addition to Bilbo getting to review a product this month, the rest of us were also getting a chance to try something new!!

Arty looked over the ingredients, 
"All natural, baked for extra nommy-ness,  these are going to be extra good, Dory!!"

Mama says Blue Health Bars Dog are big enough to share (We say NOT!)! They also are grain free and crispy crunchy for extra toofy cleanliness!
(Bilbo says they are a bit too crunchy for him)

We don't HAVE to share, do we Mama??

No sharing here...I, Jakey,  caught mine in mid air!!

Dory does her famous "Leave-it" trick (don't worry, look behind Arty in the next picture, Dory did get to "Take it").

Arty took his very nicely!

As you might guess, we give Blue Health Bars Dog Treats Baked with Pumpkin and Cinnamon 12 paws up!!  Mama also gives them 2 paws up, the natural ingredients, grain free AND the fact that they help clean our teeth really won her over!!

If you like Crunchy Pumpkin and Cinnamon treats head over to Chewy.com and check out Blue Health Bars Dog Treats Baked with Pumpkin and Cinnamon today, they are even on sale!!

Thanks for a G-R-E-A-T Pumpkin Month, Chewy.com!!!

We were not compensated for our review. We received a bag of pumpkin deliciousness from Chewy.com in return for our honest opinion!  

 We are joining
 for the Tasty Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Halloween Week!

What a speedy month October has been!!
Mama and I want to take a minute today to remind you about our
Treats for Shelters Blog Hop (and fundraiser) this Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

As most of you know, October is "Adopt a Shelter Pet" month!!  I don't know about your house, but our Mama is not allowed to bring anymore animals home from the Animal Shelter for awhile.  Since we can't adopt a new animal,  we were searching for something we COULD do for the animals and came up with this cool idea!!!

We will be holding a Blog Hop Fundraiser this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday! We will be donating $1 for everyone who links up!! All we ask is for you to write a Halloween post letting us know how you have helped a shelter!

Here are some ideas for helping:
  First of all,  if you are looking for a new pet, consider adopting a Shelter Pet!!
1. It is starting to get cold outside, gather up and donate any old blankies, towels and sheets to your local shelter.

2. Next time your Mama is buying you foodables, ask her to buy an extra bag (or a few extra cans) to donate to your local shelter.

3. Do you have a toy maybe you didn't like, but some other doggy might,  put it in a pile to donate to a shelter.

4. Many shelters have "wish lists" on their websites. Check and see if your shelter has one and see if there is anything you or your peeps might have around the house you can donate.

5. Do you know about Amazon Smile? Every time you make an eligible purchase from Amazon Smile a portion of the proceeds goes to the charity of your choice, including animal shelters!!! Click HERE to learn more!

There are so many ways to help, the examples above are only a few!!

Be sure to tell all your friends stop by and leave us a comment on Friday, Saturday or Sunday! For each comment we receive,  we will donate 50 cents to the Williamson County Animal Shelter! This is the shelter where we adopted Arty and where Jakey came from (via a breed rescue)!!  

 Soooooo, in summary.....help us help Shelter Animals by:
 a) Linking up to our hop, and help a shelter
b) Comment and send friends over to leave a comment on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and we will donate 50cents for each comment received!

Have a Happy Halloween Week!!