
Happening around Blogville!

Mabel and I here at Blogville City Hall to fill you in on a couple of things happening around Blogville in the next couple of weeks!!

First up, don't forget to stop by this Monday, January 30th,  for the unveiling of the Portrait Hall on the new Blogville Administration Page! Join us in paying tribute to Mayor Emeritis Frankie Furter, Madison D. Cat and Murphy and Stanley with a special speech by Chris and Oreo to honor former Mayoral Candy Date Lexi.

Don't miss Blogville's first Coffee Morning Blog Hop on Monday, February 6th!  Let Blogville's Executive Office Manager/Barista, Princess Leah,  make you a nice puppachino as you head out to tour the offices of Blogville's Directors and Emergency Service Managers!

Guess we better get back to it Mabel, 
so much to do....so little time!


  1. oh I love the coffee hop... that is the pawfect timing... our coffeemachine is still dead and the mama is like grumpy cat efurry morning.

  2. Boy, there sure is a lot of work going on!

  3. you are both doing a super great job of running blogville.. love your office

  4. Isn't this exciting...my job is taste testing puppicinos!!!!!WOOHOO!!!!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. BLOGVILLE is one BIZZY place... a WONDERFULLY Bizzy one fur SURE.
    Blush... I am sort of embarrassed bout the portrait thingy... PSHAW... I didn't do much of ANYTHINGY as Mayor... Those who have followed me have REALLY done the Super thingys fur Blogville and its Fabulous citizens.

  6. What a fantastic idea! Can't wait to hangout there and do some detective work
    Edward (& Lily)

  7. Blogville is a superbusy place!

  8. Oh my cats I'm so excited. I love a pawty and Mom's loves coffee so we two Seniors are ready set to go live
    Hugs madi your bfff

  9. You two have a very busy agenda ahead of you, but we KNOW you are up to the challenge.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  10. Can't wait for Monday to come. (Who ever thought a person would say that!) Amy

  11. You two sure are keeping busy with all the mayor duties.

  12. I love Blogville it's a wonderful place with lots and lots of things to do.

    Aroo to you,

  13. Oh my goodness - you are so busy. What fun stuff is on the calendar!


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