
Thankful for Friends and Howlidays!

 Today we are all so very thankful for our Gift Exchange furiends AND that the Howlidays are right around the weekend corner!

 Jakey and my package came from the Great White Northern country of Canada fom our furiends Hailey and Zaphod! We can't WAIT to open our pressies, right Jakey??

 I can't believe there is less than a week before Christmas Arty...Time will fly and before we know it, we'll be playing with our new pressies!! Thanks ahead of time Phod and Lee!!

 I don't think Rosy sees it the same way you do, Jakey...teeheehee
 The super Lady Shasta was my Santa Paws in the gift exchange this year! Thanks Lady Shasta!
I may have gotten a bit excited and opened the outside of the big envelope my pressies were in hoping I could steal them!

 OH DARN...I mean, thank goodness they were individually wrapped! 
How much longer do I have to wait before I can open them??

*Les Sigh* 
Christmas is NEVER going to get here!!

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  1. Hari OM
    Truly Rosy, the time will fly by faster than Santy Paws' sleigh!!! Take a leaf out of Jakey and Arty's books, who know now that waiting is a big part of the fun!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. wowq that is so pawsome... and the time we have to wait for santa is much shorter when we have such fab friends

  3. The waiting part is sooooooooo hard!

  4. It's starting to get exciting these last few days. Hope you have some awesome presents there.

  5. Y'all look most wonderful and you'll sure have fun when you get to open your presents! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  6. Can't wait to see what you get! And oh my gosh, that hat! So adorable. The last days before Christmas are always the longest!

  7. Arty, I think this might be my most favorite of your hats. you could go to Alaska in that hat and look really cute doing it... Jakey you look so handsome and of course Rosey looks sassy as always. hope SHE lets you open a pressie early

  8. Santa Paws be here in no time, little one. 🎅🏻

  9. Tis that time of year for all kinds of wonderful surprises.
    You 3 might have to share. LOL
    Hugs HiC

  10. How exciting!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  11. Ha!! For once it pays to be Jewish! Cody was allowed to open his Secret Paws today!!! Dakota missed your exchange, maybe next year.

  12. Our gifts arrived a few days ago and we haven't been able to open them either. You all are so cute posing with your gifts.

  13. Awww, looks like you have some might fine presents there. You're all so very cute!

  14. We are super excited fur Christmas too and are so fankful fur all of our furiends on da blogosphere and fur our family dat we gets to celebrate wif :) Oh and of course we are fankful for da pressies!!

    Keep strong guys only 5 more days til destuffing time ;)

    Matt & Matilda

  15. You all have some very nice friends to send you those pressies. We know you are all going to be delighted once you open them. We think you do Christmas the best of all the blog pals we have.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. Mommy says that was one of MY looks, Rosy, when you saw the pressies all wrapped. It does seem like furever, though, doesn't it? XOX Xena

  17. Luke is with you, Rosy!! What is all this waiting for Christmas stuff about? Oh well, it will be worth it when you finally all see your new goodies!
    Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets

  18. Why do we have to wait???
    Hazel & Mabel

  19. I don't understand it eithers guys!!! Why oh WHY do we have to waits???? sigh. AND be good. sigh.
    Ruby ♥


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