
This is Thirteen

Yesterday I became a teenager. That's right, I turned the big thirteen. Age it just a number though, and although I do love to snuggle and take naps...

I still like a nice long stroll with my pawrents!
(You can read more about my birthday walk on Nature Friday....)

Here's to another year of snuggles, long walks and GREENIES!!
(and hopefully another year until I have to wear this silly hat again!)

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Nature Friday and Final Friday Fiction on Mermaid Day!

Welcome to that special Friday each month where Nature Friday and Final Friday Fiction can be celebrated together!!! Today I, Rosy, am also celebrating International Mermaid Day with a special Final Friday Fiction Poem along with some ocean pictures from my recent weekend!

Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the fun!!
 This month's page 87 is from Salty Piece of Land, written by Jimmy Buffet
-line 8 ~ dropped into one of the turquoise Adirondack
-line 12 ~ of the channel. Now we were creating our own wind, and a cool
-line 16 ~ off the beaten path. There's a pretty neat little Mayan ruin

If I Were Queen Merpup!
If I were Queen Merpup of the Turquoise Sea
All the waves would sing, just for me...

My most secret wish is to swim with a fish
or maybe I'd bark with a cool shark!

On a windy day, we could swim to the bay
and watch all the neat little surfers play!

But best of all
I'd have a ball

If I was Queen Merpup of the Turquoise Sea,
All the birdies would bow to ME!

I hope you enjoyed my poem today, what would you do if you were King or Queen of the Merpups???

 Show us your nature! It can be a picture of your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a walk! Any kind of nature picture will do!
(does not have to include a pet)


Thankful for Togetherness

While it was nice to have a little alone time with my pawrents last weekend, I really missed my brothers a bunch. I was very thankful when we all were reunited!

We missed you too Rosy...ummmm, most of the time. I do have to say,  it was nice not being tackled by a ninja sister all the time but, I did miss snuggling with you at bedtime.

I really missed having a little sister around to pick on(and play biteyface with)!

We are all thankful to have have things back to crazy again, aren't you Mama??

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Wordless Wednesday - Did you say COOKIE?

We're joining Comedy Plus for Wordless Wednesday



Tasty Birthday Cake Tongue Out Tuesday!

 As I mentioned yesterday, I went to my first real birthday pawty last weekend and let me tell you, if you ever get a chance to pawty with Golden Retrievers..DO IT! They sure know how to do it right!! There were pawty hats...birthday bandanas...

 Birthday balloons....


There were cuppycakes and cookies
and BIRTHDAY CAKE all just for us dogs!!!

No Mama...you may NOT have any...

 Nope Daddy, you can't have any either!

Mmmmmmmm....I really like birthday cake...A LOT!!!

Happy Birthday Quinlan !
Thanks for inviting me to such a delicious and FUN 


I Kissed a Big Dog...and I liked it!!

Saturday, I went to a Birthday Pawty for my friend Quinlan. While I was there I met his handsome Golden Brother, Declan.  I don't know how it happened....at first we were just talking..

Then he moved in a little closer...and I moved a little closer

..and then...

Don't tell Mama, but I kinda liked it too! 

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Family Time on Nature Friday

Today, on Nature Friday, we thought we would take you on one of our recent family walkies!

It's wonderful to get out and have some nice family time while walking along some of our local trails.

We are seeing lots of green as the leaves start to fill out!

Even though the time change was hard to get use to, we are glad the sun is staying out a little longer each day.

All the shore birds are starting to arrive...

Halfway through the walkie we spotted this long billed curlew!

After we looked at the curlew for awhile, we hurried back to the car....

Before the rain caught up to us!

We hope everyone gets a chance to see some nature this weekend!

 Show us your nature! It can be a picture of your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a walk! Any kind of nature picture will do(does not have to include a pet)!


Thankful for Road Trip Season

Happy Thankful Thursday!!
Today I'm thankful "Road Trip Season"will be kicking off  for us soon! Mama and Daddy said that we will be taking some long weekends over the next few months to explore different places!

I'm also thankful that I get to be the first pup to tag along with Mama and Daddy!! Seems we'll be heading to points south soon for a long weekend to celebrate a friends barkday! I'll even get to visit with my pal Koru Bear and bunches of his Golden Pals!

I think Road Trip season might be my most favorite season of the year!!

 We are joining Brian for the 
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Wordless Wednesday - Pet Me

We're joining Comedy Plus for Wordless Wednesday
