
Pacific Coast Highway Adventures on Nature FFF(Part 1)

Here we are halfway through 2019 and ready for another of those special Fridays where Nature Friday and Final Friday Fiction come together for some literary fun! 

Arty here, and this week I am using some beautiful moments Mama and I captured along the California coastline as my muse for today's ramblings.

Today's "page 87" is from a  travel book she has been reading, "The Best Coast, A Road Trip Atlas; Illustrated Adventures along the West Coast's Historic Highways" written by Chandler O'Leary.
-line 8 ~ for a bird's-eye view
-line 12 ~ to the observation deck above
-line 16 ~ surging waves

Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the fun!!

The morning sunshine felt warm against my face as I set off, Mama at the wheel, for a drive down the Pacific Coast HIghway, one of the most beautimous parts of the USA we had seen to date!

The highway wound through mountains with minds of their own, many deciding they wanted to go back to the ocean. Humans keep insisting upon repairing and rebuilding though, keeping the highway open....

Selfishly, Mama and I were happy to be traveling this highway...although we are bet Mother Nature would rather keep this beauty all to herself. No need for any human to blemish the beautiful views with their dwellings and such.

We enjoyed the bird's-eye view of the Pacific Ocean and the ever changing mountainous coastal views!

We took advantage of all the nooks and crannies built into the highway for travelers to use as observation areas.

Some of the cliffs were lined with beautiful wildflowers that seem to reach out into the blue ocean....

 ...creating beautiful color combinations!

But, what Mama and I both enjoyed the most, was watching and listening to the surging waves as they made their way to shore.

Here is a short video of the wonderful sound along with just a few beautiful vista views...
You can also watch the video HERE, on YouTube.

I hope you enjoyed my little essay today, stay tuned in a few weeks for the second part of our Big Sur/California Coast adventure!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 


  1. oooh the photos, like paintings, so beautiful! and the story .. and the song Big Sur sings to us... how wonderful!!!

  2. We love your story and your pictures are just glorious!

  3. Wow! That sure looks beautiful. We would love to dip our paws in that pretty water too!

  4. Hari OM
    OUTSTANDING!!! Arty, the linky is not working for me (something to do with MAC compilation error???) Anyway am putting my Nature Friday Link Here! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Arty WOW x 87. I have heard about the P.C. and often wanted to see it in the flesh. Thank you to you and Mama for sharing the stunning, breathtaking photos....Picture # 4 needs to be framed. WHO of course your handsomeness has enhanced the entire post. Happy FFF and Nature Friady
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. i love the crashing waves sound at the beginning and end of the video.. these photos today are beyond beautimous, spectacular comes to mind but even more than that. the thing i noticed is how well your beautiful black and white furs look in front of these amazing VIEWS.. number 4 is my favorite and i think should be put on a canvas and hung on a wall, my wall would be nice.. fantastic fotos of everything you saw... if i decide to make a bucket list this will be on it.

  7. How exciting to be able to go on such a great trip! The sights and sounds were breathtaking!

  8. Such beautimous pics to go with your story, Arty!! Bravo!

  9. Beautiful pictures Arty - thank you for sharing. Have a great weekend!

  10. What wonderful shots. Been a long time since I've traveled the Pacific Coast Highway. It's beautiful.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥

  11. It sure is beautiful there, Arty, and we especially love that last picture of you.

  12. What a great story. We loved the wave video too.

  13. Oh wow, that is so beautiful. How I would have loved to join you on that trip Arty.
    Toodle pip!
    PS Now Gail can see what she missed when she and her then boyfriend took a bus down the Pacific Coast Highway in the summer of 1982. Sadly, all they saw was fog...

  14. It is such a gorgeous area. Thanks for sharing it.

  15. Such beautiful photos that you shared. We would love to visit the California coastline in the near future. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful Nature Friday.
    World of Animals

  16. Oh Arty, those photos are amazingly magical and such a grand time you had!

  17. Your coast looks for much prettier than our coast. We is that. You look very pretty too.

  18. Arty, Ma is in love with our coast too! One time, when she was drivin' back home from SF, she took a wrong turn and ended up on PCH! it took her an extra hour to get back home, butts it was SO worth it cause of the views! I thinks someday the sea with take it back though.
    Thanks for the amazin' photos and vid!!!!
    Ruby ♥

  19. Wow! It is gorgeous along the coast. We visited our daughter in Washington state and the scenery is breathtaking.

  20. I could listen to that surf all day long. So beautiful and soothing.

  21. Oh my we would love to go to the Pacific coast sometime! It looks beautiful!!
    Mabel & Hilda

  22. Oh, Arty! That was SO beautiful! You live in the most incredible part of the world. The colors are stupendous... You and your mama have so much fun together :) Thanks for sharing!

  23. We could just listen to the ocean all day long! What a beautiful drive along the coast! It's nice to see coastline that isn't full of buildings!
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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