
Almost WW - Under the Sea

Nothing to see here, just a couple of sharks and a mermaid playing under the sea!

What happened to my mermaid??

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Rosy the Cheese Shark on ToT!

Duh Dum!

Duh Dum, Duh Dum!


Anyone else sees the resemblance??

We are joining our friends at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


Jakey Shark!

 Kicking off Shark Week with the elusive
Trawpical Jakey Shark!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Nature Friday FFF from My Ocean

 This week I thought I would write a little poem about a walk Mama and I took along the shores of La Jolla (near San Diego) for July's FFF hosted my YAM-Aunty!

Today's "page 87" is from a  the classic, "To Sail Beyond the Sunset" written by Robert A Heinlein.
-line 8 ~ was even louder
-line 12 ~ At last I sighed
-line 16 ~ for our lunch

Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the fun!!

The Shores of LaJolla

The beaches are beautimous at La Jolla beach
To the purple flowers, the water did reach.

Ocean birds lined the shore

 "Come feed me!" they implore

But in the distance I hear

Something even louder I fear!

As I kept spyin'
I saw LOTS of Sea Lions!

They look pretty smart
and BOY can they BARK!

They could move pretty fast....
and I was relieved to walk by them at last!

As we walked by
I heard a perched seagull cry...

"See Arty, I had a hunch,
YOU should have fed us OUR Lunch"

I hope you enjoyed my little poem about my walk along the beach.  We want to thank YAM Aunty for hosting FFF and for helping to push us(Mainly Mama) to find different ways to express ourselves!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page


Fishy Circle of Life

So the medium fish eats the little fish....the big fish eats the medium fish...and then I eat the big fish...right??

Sounds like a win win situation to me!

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!


Trawpical Daydreams on ToT

There I was, laying on my flamingo, floating on a blue lagoon enjoying a beautimous day of relaxation

What do you WANT Mama??

How RUDE!!!

Do your pawrents ever interrupt you during a good daydream?

We are joining our friends at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



I Heart You!

Thanks soooo much for all your birthday wishes!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


This is Two

Happy Second Birthday to our Lhasa Princess Rosy!!
We love your from your cute little tongue, to your very Sassy Pants and every inch in between. 

We are so very happy you picked us as your furr-ever family!


Mama and Me Nature Friday

Rosy here today, continuing my pre-birthday celebration! Today I thought you might like to tag along during my Mama and Me Birthday Adventure!

It all started early in the morning, when Mama put on my Birthday Girl bandana and Birthday Girl hat(thanks Sand Dollar Dog Company) and loaded me and Betty the Birthday Unicorn in the car! I closed my eyes for just a second(or maybe napped for about 87 minutes) and when I opened them....

There out the window, was Arty's Ocean!
 Mama drove me to the northern most tip of that Pacific Coast Highway! Arty traveled down the part from San Francisco to San Diego last month.

The US Highway 1 actually starts about an hour south of where we live, and Mama decided this would be a nice place for my Birthday Adventure!

The ocean sure is beautimous, and the hills do have pretty pink flowers that match my hat. But what else could be down here to attract Mama's attention?

Oooooohhhhh, now I see. A pretty park to walk along the ocean for me and a lighthouse for Mama!

It's really more of a Light Station, the Point Cabrillo Light Station to be specific, located just south of Fort Bragg, California.

Originally built in 1908, the Point Cabrillo Fresnel Lens helped guide mariners up the redwood coast until 1972 when it was retired and replaced with a aero-marine rotating light.

Then, in 1998, restoration of the original lens began and the lens was put back into use in August 2001! You can read all about HERE.

Now...on to the WALK!
It was a beautimous day for a walk along the ocean. It was windy, but not too chilly

Mama too a short video of our walk:

You can also view the video HERE on YouTube

Plus they had a pretty lagoon to walk around and you'll NEVER guess what I saw along the way...
 My first California SQUIRREL!!
Of course, Mama took a short video of this too. I think it was the bestest part of my Birthday Adventure! 

You can watch it HERE at YouTube too!

What a fun and exciting Birthday Adventure!!
 I think being two years old is going to be even more fun being one!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page!