
Nature Friday FFF from My Ocean

 This week I thought I would write a little poem about a walk Mama and I took along the shores of La Jolla (near San Diego) for July's FFF hosted my YAM-Aunty!

Today's "page 87" is from a  the classic, "To Sail Beyond the Sunset" written by Robert A Heinlein.
-line 8 ~ was even louder
-line 12 ~ At last I sighed
-line 16 ~ for our lunch

Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the fun!!

The Shores of LaJolla

The beaches are beautimous at La Jolla beach
To the purple flowers, the water did reach.

Ocean birds lined the shore

 "Come feed me!" they implore

But in the distance I hear

Something even louder I fear!

As I kept spyin'
I saw LOTS of Sea Lions!

They look pretty smart
and BOY can they BARK!

They could move pretty fast....
and I was relieved to walk by them at last!

As we walked by
I heard a perched seagull cry...

"See Arty, I had a hunch,
YOU should have fed us OUR Lunch"

I hope you enjoyed my little poem about my walk along the beach.  We want to thank YAM Aunty for hosting FFF and for helping to push us(Mainly Mama) to find different ways to express ourselves!

 Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to our Hoppity Page


  1. ooooh sea lions! and you saw them with your own eyes... we want to see them once too they are super interestion animals, aren't they?

  2. We love the poem, and what wonderful nature pictures. Oh but Arty, you were SO BRAVE to walk near those noisy sealions. There must have been 87 thousand of them!
    Toodle pip!

  3. Hari OM
    Well done Arty - this is a most wonderfurs poem and so beautifursly illustrated... but I gotta tells ya, we have a connection in our poems today... we both use the word 'implore', we both are beside the beach and mention seagulls AND that post the gull is standing on mentions the word 'picnic'... Totally channelling each other. The major difference, of course, is the climate. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh my goodness! Your photos are beyond fabulous and your story was wonderful!

  5. Lovely words, and thoughts ... perfectly complementing beautiful photos. All together a post perfection.
    Thank you for sharing this today, uplifting.

  6. Mom loves La Jolla although she didn't see any purple flowers or sea lions. She would like to go back when they are there. Have you been to Julien? That is another one of Mom and Dad's favorite places when Dad is in San Diego.

  7. Mom doesn't really like California but the ocean photos make her want to go there and get into the water. Beautiful shots.

  8. Oh Arty....you are a poet laureate for sure! Such a great hidden talent that YAM-Aunty
    saw and helped you and Momma 'sea' as you walked by the sea!!
    The photographs are stunning too
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. those photos are so amazing and beautiful they look fake, I mean how can there be that much beauty to SEE with a camera. wow! in that last photo of you I was scared you would fall off but I am thinking your mom photoshopped your leash out of the photo... you are as beautiful as the background in my eyes...

  10. What a great poem. You sure got some great nature pictures to show us too. That gull seemed a bit too close. We hope he didn't steal any of your snacks.

  11. The pictures are beautiful and I love the poem. Have a great weekend Arty, Jakey and Rosy!

  12. What beautiful pictures! And a great poem too.

  13. You look very relaxed. Did you bark back at the seals? If not you have great self control

  14. Whoa...I lived in the San Diego area (87 years ago) and never once saw any sea lions. You guys captured them beautifully along with everything else!

  15. That was a great FF story, Arty, and we loved seeing you by the sea. We think we might like to chase those noisy seals.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  16. What a wonderful poem, Arty, very creative and very well-illustrated too! :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  17. That was delightful, Arty. You did a fabulous job.

    Have a woof woof day and weekend. My best to your peeps. ♥

  18. Love your illustrated poem. We don't think we'd like to mess with those seals. Better to just walk past.

  19. You are a real good poet, Arty. We would like to chase the birdies and bark with the sea lions! xox Lucy and Xena

  20. Grrrr-eat poem! I can't believe all of those sea lions. I imagine they were very loud. They're cute as can be though.

  21. That was a wonderful poem Arty about your walk and all the beautiful nature.

  22. FABulous poem Arty!!! And those sea dogs sure are loud, huh?! And they smell stinky too! BOL!!
    Ma says they are adorables...whatevers.
    LOVES all the pics by the sea my pal!
    Ruby ♥

  23. Arty, what a wonderful walk along the beach you had. We just love seeing the see lion photos. Thanks for sharing your sweet poem. Have a fantastic rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  24. Your photos of the coast are so beautiful... they awe me. Thanks for sharing!


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