
February Already???

It's Monday already?? 

 I may need another puppachino, Mama!


    We're joining Comedy Plus for the
  Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Breaking the Law

 Oh yes, Mama DID post Nature Friday a day early....Good help is soooo very 
hard to find! 
Feel free to hop aboard at any time!

 Wow! Can you believe this is the last Nature Friday in January? The first month of 2021 sure did fly by, didn't it? 
This month we are letting Mama do FFF, you can find her post HERE and make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE 
 to see more entries!
Today we are visiting Hookton Slough Trail. It's a very pretty trail with lots of birdies!!
It was a beautiful sunny day!
 Mama asked my permission to show some of the pictures she took last week...
There were more clouds that day and Mama said it was more "moody"
 Looks like there were more birdies too!
 Turns out it was good that Mama took those pictures....
 Mama did you see that sign??

Does it say what I think it says??

Mama, did you not see this sign last time you were here?? I can't believe you made me break the law like this!!

Quick Mama, back to the car!
That's not a police officer I see is it???

We sure hope you all find time to enjoy some nature this weekend!
(without getting arrested BOL)
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Beach Bum Wannabe

Arty here today for a disappointing Nature Friday. Don't get me wrong Mama did a pretty good job taking photos, it's just she went to MY ocean and didn't take ME! She claims due to my recent feety bump removal(no worries, just a couple inter-digital cysts), along with the windy conditions(that might result with sand in my newly healed eyes), it might be better if I stayed home this trip.

 This is what I had to say about that!! 
Unfortunately, that didn't help much and I ended up staying at home. 
Mama did let me have final approval on the pictures we would share though!
 I always like to see water crashing on the rocks
 I could almost feel the ocean spray against my furs
and look at the waves in the wind.
Boy, it would be nice to get my feeties in that water
or just sit on the sand

 ...and watch the surf roll in!
This shot is nice Mama, but it would look so much better with a suave and debonair black and white Shih Tzu in it....

 Mama promises as soon as my feetie furs grow back a bit she will take me back to where my ocean meets the trees!

We hope you get out and explore a bit of nature in your neighborhood this weekend!!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Winter at Sequoia Gardens

Earlier this week Mama and I took advantage of a sunny morning and headed to Sequoia Gardens in search of kind of some nature!
 At first glance, it looked like everything was brown and dormant for the Winter. But Mama and I
 started looking more closely and just look at what we found!

 Little birdies singing in the trees
Flowers basking in the sun

 Flowers that have turned into feathery seed to fly away and bloom in new places
 Rain drops on red flowers....
Pretty seed pods

 Shiny blooms
Look at these pretty Sweet Allysum flowers!
 We even found these beautiful red foxglove type flowers!! 

It sure was fun taking the time to sniff around and see what nature was out there! We hope you can get out and find some nature in unexpected places this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.



Happy Rubber Ducky Day!!

Did you know that every year on January 13th Ernie's famous Rubber Ducky from Sesame Street celebrates a birthday?
Arty, do you think our friends have ever heard Ernie sing the rubber ducky song?? 

 MAMAMAMA, can you share the video you played for us yesterday, some people may not know about Rubber Ducky!

Mama insisted on posting the "Vintage" video from 1973 (you know, from the time before dinosaurs roamed the earth), because that is the one she originally watched.
(You can also view it HERE on YouTube) 
 Isn't it a fun song?? I really LOVED all the squeakies the rubber ducky makes!!

 Yes Sunny, it is a nice song but Rubber Duckies have been around for longer than 1973. It seems that in the year 1928 a Mr. Landon Smart Lawrence patented the first official "Rubber Ducky"

 So Happy Birthday Rubber Ducky, we love you!!
Welllll,  as long as we don't have to take a bath to play with you!
Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!




Nature Friday at the Marsh

 This is the look I gave Mama earlier this week after a few days of cloudy/wet weather in a row. I have to say, going potty in the rain gets old real quick and for some reason Mama and Daddy have this "no potty in the house" policy they INSIST we stick to....
But I digress, when the sun came out on Tuesday I was thrilled when Mama suggested a Mama and Me hike at Arcata Marsh!
 It was a beautiful day, and the morning sun even made the browns look cheerful!!
 I have to admit, there was a spring in my step and flop to my ears as we hit the trail!
 As usual, the birds were amazing!!
From the ducks.....

 To the shorebirds!

Plus, we also had a very cool sighting of a...
Red tailed hawk!!! 
Looks like he had a rough 2020 too, doesn't it??
 These three ducks look pretty comfy as they enjoy nice nap in the sun don't they?

 The rains have fooled some of the flowers into blooming. I'm hoping this means we'll see an early Spring.
 But Mama says I shouldn't get too excited because most of the scenery still
 looks like Winter (Winter in California anyway BOL).

 Unfortunately, California Winters mean mud.

 As much as I enjoyed my morning walk through the Arcata Marsh....

 I don't know if I can say the same about the bath I got when we got home.
But being outside and feeling the sunshine on my furs as I hiked with Mama was totally worth it!!! 
We hope you get some sunshine in your part of Blogville this weekend!!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.