
Peace, Love and Chewy Boxes

Peace, Love, Smileys and Chewy Boxes!


 Ummmm, Rosy, why do we get boxes from Chewy?

 OMD Sunny, I forget you are still a young pup...Chewy boxes come from a special land far, far away that makes candy for dogs, but only GOOD little girls get the ca....

ROSY! Don't listen to her Sunny, Mama and Daddy order all our treats and foodies from Chewy and sometimes, for some silly reason, Mama wants us to sit in the boxes while she takes pictures.

Thanks Jakey! 
 In that case, Peace, Love, Smileys and Chewy Boxes...
what else could a girl ask for!
(except to make Rosy quit being so silly!)
We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


  1. Oh Sunny, thank goodness there is at least one sensible dog in your family!

  2. that is the canine trinity... peace&love and chewy boxes, yeah!

  3. Oh, I love boxes! They are great for sleeping! And chewing on and sharpening my nails on and sleeping in (did I mention that already?).

    Miaow from Miss Oswin

  4. Those were the good old days. We rarely order from them anymore as they were not real nice to us after they destroyed Blogpaws and then changed everything. They do have good boxes, though.

  5. Hari OM
    Rosy is a rascal... but you all do look furbyoulush out there on your deck! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. The best stuffs come inside those Chewy boxes - you included, Sunny!

  7. Niece Rosy...you are too funny. Quick thinking 'outside the box' on the Chewy tale.
    Niece Sunny the song of the day is don't box me in.
    Nephew Jakey OMDs you have given me the vapors. You look so handsome in your straw fedora and bandana
    Hugs Aunty HiC

  8. You three are all so cute and we know the happy place that Chewy is too.

  9. Hope you were paid with lots of treats for all that posing!

  10. Awww, so adorable. Chewy is a great place to buy goodies for pups and kitties. I so remember. Our Angel Little Bit loved getting goodies from Chewy.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and my best to your mom. ♥

  11. We now know who is the comedienne in the furamily:) Chewy brings all sorts of goodies here too - we all LOVE Chewy!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. I bet there were a lot of yummy treats in that box before you pups got to sit in it! Hooray!

  13. You sure look cute in your Chewy box!!!

  14. We got a Chewy box today too but there wasn't a cute dog in it.

  15. Yeah, how do I order a cute doggie like you Sunny??! I didn't see that on the website! BOL!!!
    I likes to chew up the Chewy box myself....just a suggestion from your furiend Ruby.....😂
    Ruby ♥

  16. Beautiful pictures of all three of you, as usual. We would like to get a big Chewy box filled with candy for good girls...we're good girls! Chia
    Well, maybe Lucy and me are good girls, but Chia, you have a lot to work on in that department. Xena

  17. Best shade of blue around! We love our gigantic Chewy's boxes.
    Your fur-iends,
    Norman & Elsa 🐾


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