
FFF/NF Camping Sunrise

Welcome to that wonderful Friday each month where Nature Friday comes together with YAM Aunty's FFF!!  Make sure to visit YAM Aunty HERE to get the Rulez and join the FFF fun!!

Camping Sunrise
by Rosy
While we are camping,
much to the pawrents dismay,
I can't wait to get up 
and start my day.
Watching the sunrise
while Mama drinks her latte,
there is nothing better
to begin my day!
Yellows and oranges,
purples and pinks 
There is nothing prettier,
That's what I think.

So if you ever have the chance to 
rise early and watch the sun rise
I say, go for it, even if
it makes your human sigh!

Tucumcari Sunrise

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Backyard Blooms

This Thursday we are thankful to see signs of Spring blooming in our yard!!

Although there is still snow in the mountains....

We are seeing the first leaves popping out on the crab apple tree!

Hopefully, we'll see some crab apple blooms peek out of those little buds soon!

We have a BUNCH of blooms on the choke cherry tree by the birdy feeders!

...last but not least, the daffodils should be blooming any day now!!

Thanks so much for stopping by Spring, we would REALLY appreciate it if you would stay this time!!

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Almost Wordless Wednesday

The look we give Mama when she tries to get us to smile with a "pretend" cookie in her hand.....

Thanks to Comedy Plus for hosting the
Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop!



Getting Our Kicks in Tucumcari

Howdy! Today we are going to take a look at some of the interesting places we saw in Tucumcari!
As you can see, Mama decided to get artsy fartsy, and do this post in sepia tones to make it seem like more like the olden times. Les sigh, Mamas...gotta love 'em (mostly cause they're the ones that give out the cookies).

But I digress.....

Old hotels, restaurants and gas stations, both abandoned and still open, line Route 66 in Tucumcari. 

Originally the State Motor Lodge, built in 1935, the Americana Lodge 
is still open for visitors.

The Magnolia Station is an old closed down gas station, and a frequently photographed building
in Tucumcari.

The Ranch House opened in 1952 to feed hungry travelers of Route 66. Unfortunately, it closed as traffic diverted off of Route 66 when Interstate 40 was built. 

The Buckaroo Motel is another classic 1950s Motel.

Wait a minute....Does Sepia make my nose look big?? 

This is the Odeon Theater. It opened in 1936 and, after some major renovations, it recently reopened and is showing first run movies!

Mama and Daddy visited Tee Pee Curios and said they had a great selection of Route 66 knick knacks!

The Blue Swallow Hotel is the most famous hotel in Tucumcari. Known for its retro decor, you need to make reservations sometimes up to a year in advance!

Thanks for joining us for this Sepia Route 66 tour.

Mama made a slide show with even MORE pictures....but this time she left them in color!

You can also watch it HERE, on YouTube

Join us next week, when we show you the murals of Tucumcari!

We are joining Sandee at  Comedy Plus for the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!




Yesterday it was National Wear a Hat Day, which made us think...

We sure have worn a bunch of different hats over
the years!
Mama put together a little movie showing off 
some of the hats we've worn!
 You can also watch it HERE, on YouTube 
Wow...we sure are patient pups, aren't we??

Do you like wearing hats??

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Nature Friday at Blazing Saddles RV Park

Hi everybody! Today Sunny and I are going to show you some of the fun sights we saw around the RV Park where we stayed last weekend!

The Blaze-In-Saddle RV Park is right off of Interstate 40 on Route 66! (Los coches en llamas son opcionales, Java)

It was about a 3 hour ride East on I-40/Route 66 (it took a little longer on the way there because of the snow). As on most of the trips we will be taking this summer, we, with Mama driving, will be following Daddy in Julie the Jeep. We're hoping next year we'll be able to tow Julie behind CeCe.

 It's always nice to get an early start to the day, and what better way than with a beautiful sunrise! We made sure Mama and Daddy were up to see them every morning we were there!

See that mountain in the distance?
Mama says, if you look closely, you'll see the flat top of the mountain, meaning it's actually a mesa, not a mountain. 

Whatever Mama!

We had a view of it everyday from CeCe.

It's Tucumcari Mountain. On the sign it's hard to make out, but it was first mentioned in 1793!

Nobody is sure where exactly where the name Tucumcari (too-cum-caw-ree) came from. Some say it came from the Comanche word "tukamukaru", which means "to lay in wait for". Others think it is named after a battle site where a Comanche women and her child were killed called Cuchuncari.
Whatever it's named after, it sure is pretty!

One day while I was looking out the window, you'll never guess what I saw....

A COW...or Maybe a bull....I didn't look, BOL!

The RV Park had a big ranch next to it, and every evening we 
would get a visit from a cow!

We ended our days at the RV Park....

....enjoying the beautiful sunsets.

Talk about a wonderful way to end the day!

We hope you enjoyed the sights around the Blaze In Saddle and we hope you get out to enjoy some nature this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE 
to go to our Hoppity Page.


Thankful for Remedies

This week Mama and I(Sunny) have the pawfect thankful for Brian's Thankful Thursday. 

We are thankful we finally found an answer to my car sickness problem! 

As some of my friends might remember, I do not do well in the car. I used to produce rivers of drool, vomit all over, and generally be one miserable little Lhasa! Well, I am happy to report that a 1/4 of Non Drowsy Dramamine, given to me 2 hours before we leave for a trip,  relieves me of all my symptoms.  I still get nervous, but I settle down after a few minutes instead of a few hours.

Mama wants to assure you it was my Behavior Vet who prescribed Dramamine Non Drowsy for me. Mama just found giving it to me 2-3 hours before traveling works much better than giving it to me right before we leave!

Yay for no more car sickness! 
Thanks to our dogtur for helping us find a way for me to be a bit more comfy while traveling! 

Thank you Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!