
Botanical Gardens Birthday Flowers

Welcome to Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. This week, we are going to look at what Summer looks like at the ABQ BioPark Botanical Gardens.
There are so many beautiful flowers of every color of the rainbow blooming right now. Above is one of Mama's favorite wildflowers, the blanket flower. These can be found everywhere during the Spring in Central Texas. The only place Mama has found them here is the Botanical Garden.
Here is some pretty pink Bee Balm
Another one of Mama's favorite,  Lantana
Here are a couple of Hollyhock flowers. The first year we lived here, we had a couple of Hollyhock plants in the front yard. They haven't bloomed since then though, Mama thinks they may have gotten some kind of bugs.
Blech...I hate bugs! 
(Unlike my silly sister who has been known to eat them) 
Anyway...back to the flowers

This is Prairie Night Bergamot, which is also in the Bee Balm family.

Here is a pretty Coneflower
 and some lacy Oak Leaf Hydrangea

Last, but not least is a nice Rosy Rose for my birthday.
 Thanks Mama!!


 I hope you enjoyed the Summer flowers at the Botanical Garden, aren't they colorful?

We are "disconnecting" today through Tuesday while we are glamping in CeCe. Mama has some posts scheduled, but we won't be around to comment again until next Wednesday. 

We sure hope you all get out to see some nature this weekend!
Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.



  1. Such pretty flowers. The botanical garden is such a treasure. Enjoy your long weekend glamping in CeCe!

  2. Hari OM
    Oh my, inadvertently you have given me the answer to a puzzle I had, Rosy - I had passed a garden recently with what looked like hydrangea, but with a different leaf... and it smelled so sweet! Now I have seen your Oak-Leaf variety and checked the web and my answer is found. For that alone the post was worth it - but all the rest are lovely... and of course, you are the prettiest of them all! Have fun in CeCe and bring us back lots of piccies. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We have those beautiful blanket flowers here they grow wild in our reserves and Parks. My favorite photo today is the coneflower it’s really surreal and beautiful. So many beautiful flowers and there you are the most beautiful flower of all

  4. We love all of the flowers! Have a great time on your birthday getaway, Rosy!

  5. Have fun on your CeCe adventure. We are shocked your sister eats bugs. None of us do, but we may play with a fly because they are interesting.

  6. Beautiful blooms! Enjoy your camping break, we'll miss you...

  7. Niece Rosy happy Friday of your 7th bday week. Have a lovely x 87 glamping trip in CeCe.
    Thank you for sharing the botanical beauties with us. Auny C loves lantanas and Fuschias.
    Hugs AC

  8. Happy 7th birthday ~ lovely floral photos you are surrounded by in post ~ enjoy the respite ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    carol l mckenna
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Those are wonderful photos of the flowers. I wish you many happy returns of your birthday!

  10. Thanks for sharing those beautiful flowers from the botanical garden. You are so lucky to have something with so many amazing flowers so close to your home.

  11. We always know we will see the most beautiful flowers when we visit here on Nature Friday. And today is no exception. And of course, the prettiest of all is sweet Rosy with that pretty afghan backdrop.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. They are all stunning but you are the most stunning of them all.

  13. Lulu: "Those flowers are all very pretty, Rosy!"
    Chaplin: "We are sorry about your hollyhocks but we are actually big fans of bugs around here. We love to stare at them and chase them and pounce on them and yeah maybe eat them a little too ..."


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