
Travel Tuesday - Creede, Colorado

Happy Travel Tuesday! Today, we are going to show you around Creede, a small town nestled in the San Juan Mountain Range(part of the Rocky Mountains), in Southwestern Colorado.

When I say nestled, I mean it is actually in between two big mountains.

Do you know what one of the coolest things I saw was?

The fire station was actually IN the mountain!

Creede was originally a silver mining town back in the mid 1800's. After the silver boom ended, Creede continued to mine Zinc and lead.

Now, it doesn't do much mining but is mostly a cute tourist town for people to visit.

I asked a local for a recommendation for the best place to eat lunch...

A short walk and a few photo shoots later....

We found the The Best Little DogHouse in Creede!

I liked it because there were a ton of good smells...

The pawrents liked it because there food was yummy! 
It's amazing what a good recommendation can do, right??

I had a great time in the town of Creede and can't wait to visit again!

Here is a short video of our Creede visit
As always, you can visit our YouTube channel HERE

Make sure to look for more of our Colorado later trip this week!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


  1. that is such a wonderful place... and we saw it with your blog how great!!!! we love the mountains what look like a gate to the small town, what a good place they found in that old times...

  2. Hari Om
    My word what a wonderfurs place! Even a river runs through it... Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  3. What a neat little town and so very different!

  4. What a fun little town and we love the fire station in the mountain. What a great idea!

  5. What a fun little town to visit. Thanks for taking us along.

  6. Oh what a fun place. Beautiful too. I would love to explore this area. Beautiful shots.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the pups and my best to your wonderful peeps. ♥

  7. Dear nieces,
    Creede is absolutely the cutest little town. WHAT a view from it little nest between the two mountains. WOW fire house in the mountians NOW that is unique. Per chance I wonder if that is so all the equipment needed for the bad fires is safe?!
    Dog House OMDs that was funny
    Hugs AC

  8. Such amazing sights you got to see and that fire station in the mountain is pretty cool!

  9. fun time you all are having ~way to go ~ great photos too ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Finding small towns which are thriving is a delight. Thank you for sharing this, it made my morning.

  11. Always good to find out where the locals dine!

  12. We have never heard of Creede, CO. What a great photo showing us how the town is between the two mountains. Glad that dog gave you the heads up on the best place to eat - did you get a taste of one of those wieners???

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Wow, that town looks like a really great place to visit. We're awed by the mountains. XOX Xena and my pack

  14. I woujld love to lilve there. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  15. What a fun visit-loved the YouTube video. I used to co-own a hardware store in Monte Vista and Creede was not that far away. A fun and quirky little town-glad you guys had a good time there. Safe travels!

  16. Lulu: "Ooh, a fire house right inside the mountain? I would love to live inside a mountain. The thunder and base booms could never get me in there."
    Chaplin: "We have an old silver mining town near us! It's called Julian and you can take a tour of the old mines. Dennis and the other dogs went there a few times, and of course that time he got kidnapped by Flat Stanley, he ended up there and almost got eaten by a grue."
    Charlee: "Did he actually get kidnapped though? I think he was more of an accessory than a victim ..."


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