
Tasty Tuesday Surprise

Chef Sunny here today to show you the surprise I am making for Rosy. We haven't had birthday cake in a long time so I decided this year, as my present to Rosy, I would make her a cake! I found a cool cake mix and cake pan over at Chewy.com and asked Mama for the use of her opposable thumbs and we got to work!

We put mixed the ingredients together(the cake  mix, oil, water and an egg) and Mama mixed it up with the mixer....
I may have given the mixer a bark or 2 for being so loud.
Mama offered me a taste, of course

Mama used her thumbs and fingers to pour the batter into the silicone pan and popped it into the oven for 20 minutes.

While it baked, I took my morning nap.
After 20 minutes, Mama took it out of the oven and let it sit on the counter to cool for a little bit in the pan

Then Mama took it out of the pan to cool completely 

After it was cooled, Mama made the frosting and 
 Rosy's Birthday Cake!!
Mama will be cutting it up and freezing pieces for us to have while we're glamping this 
Oh, what happened to me???
 I slept and slept....
Mixing up cake batter is hard work!!

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!


  1. What a beautiful cake you made, Sunny! Rosy is going to love it!

  2. Hari OM
    I agree with Duke! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I would be sleeping with you, Sunny, since I don't bake, not even for humans. it looks good to me and you will have traveling birthday cake.

  4. Baking is hard work, but the tasting makes it all worthwhile! The cake turned out really nice. Rosy will love it!

  5. You are the sweetest sister to bake this beautiful (and we're sure, yummy) cake for Rosy ... and imagine you're keeping it as a Big Surprise ... and t'was OK to get a few little naps in between cause those taste-tests were hard work!

  6. You and your mom didi a great job with that cake, Sunny. How fun that you will get to eat it a little at a time for the next week!

  7. You baked your sweet Sis a very pretty cake beautiful Sunny!

  8. Dearest Niece Sunny OMDs well done snoopervising Mama's thumbs as the professionally baked this pooch cake. We all know without your help none of this would have been possible. YAY Chewy.com come for having everything to make Life happy fun and good.
    It is gorgeous...
    Love Aunty C

  9. Great job Sunny.
    Rosy will love it!

  10. Your cake looks yummy! Rosy is lucky to have such a thoughtful sister!

  11. We wil have to check out Chewy for that cake. Misty has a birthday coming up in about 12 days. It looks yummy. Hard work deserves a good nap, Sunny.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. Java Bean: "Ayyy, we hope you didn't wear yourself out too much to enjoy your cake, Sunny! Just kidding, we know that isn't possible."
    Lulu: "Glamping with pastries! You sure know how to do the great outdoors properly!"

  13. Oh, Sunny, you are such a super sweet pup, making a birthday cake for your sister. Xena could learn a thing or two from you (and make me a belated birthday cake). Your buddy, Chia


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