
Flamingo Nature Friday

Sunny flamingo here! 
Welcome to Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. This week we are sharing some flamingos we found on Mama's phone from a recent trip to our local Zoo.
Did you know that sometimes, Mama just goes to the Zoo to watch the flamingos?? She says she could watch their silly antics for hours.

Like this bird holding her long leggy behind him instead of folded up. Maybe she has patella problems like me. Long leggies can really be annoying.
(FYI, Sunny has an appointment in late August with her orthopedic vet)

 Ooops Mama, looks like she isn't happy with you taking her picture. Better back away slowly!
I really enjoy looking at all the pretty pinks and corals of the flamingo's feathers.

When they dry their feathers in the sun you can see all the layers of pink!
 They are such beautiful birds, don't you think??
We guess its ok if Mama visits them, as long as she takes lots of pictures.
Guess what next week is? That's right, the 37th Season of Shark Week
starts Sunday and we are pretty sure Mama has seen EVERY.SINGLE.SEASON.
You know, because she is ancient. 
Anyways, join us next week when will be celebrating  with costumes, fun facts and even some underwater pictures!

We hope everyone gets out this weekend to see a little nature!
(we also hope all boomers stay away this weekend!)

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


  1. Hari OM
    Flamingos look such unlikely birds... but that pink is definitely eyecatching! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. The flamingos have such LONG legs and they sure are the most beautiful pink color!

  3. Yes, gorgeous ... mine Mommy misses seeing them now that she lives up North ...

  4. We like their goofy feathers! Last night we saw a commercial for shark week and thought of you guys!

  5. Your flamingos are such gorgeous colours. We used to see lot of flamingos in Greece but they were all white and white.

  6. Niece Sunny you flamingo coral is YOUR color....and I too think they are most fun(ny) fine feathered friends too. Aunty sends lots of pawsitive thoughts for your Ortro appt in August.
    Aunty has short legs...it has become a joke at the grocery store. I go early on Thursdays (it is senior citized discount day). Never fails something I really want is on the top of their 6' shelves.
    I have to wait til I see a tall shopper or Matt an emplyee who probably 6'3" at least.
    Hugs AC

  7. You two are so pretty in pink just like those beautiful flamingos.

  8. Lulu: "Our Dada says the flamingo enclosure is the single stinkiest place in the entire Safari Park near us. I wish they let dogs in so I could go roll around in it."

  9. Oh lovely flamingos but you doggies are the best ~ so adorable ~ and sweet photos ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. You mingo girls sure are pretty and we always enjoy seeing the flamingos!

  11. Flamingos are great birds! Very pretty, and I like watching them, too. When I go to the zoo, I want to see them and the bats. Thanks for hosting Nature Friday!

  12. Flamingos are indeed beautiful and fun to watch. Coral is my favorite color. Looks like we both had large birds on our minds today. Mine is definitely not a flamingo, though. Lol. Have a great weekend. :)

  13. If we were asked if we wanted a shark or a flamingo for a pet, we all agreed it would be an easy choice. A shark! That way we'd never have to take a bath, BOL! XOX Chia

  14. It is a good thing that Lady didn't have any tea in her mouth when she opened this page, because Sunny, you as the flamingo would have made her spit it out! Thank you for sharing all the beatiful birds. Lee and Phod


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