
Sunny's Thursday Thankfuls

Today, on Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday, I(Sunny) get to mention a special thankful.

Early in September we visited my orthopedist. After doing some X-Rays, the doctor saw that, in additions to my patella problems, I have a torn CCL. I know, I know...you are wondering why this is a thankful, right??

Well, the first thankful is the pawrents are NOT going to put me through any more surgeries. They say I have been through enough after my patella surgeries and there were no guarantees it would help. The biggest thankful is the doctors and pawrents have found the right dosage of librela and carprofen to relieve any pain I might be feeling so I can go outside to run and play with Rosy without getting sore and limpy!

Dog Life is Good!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



  1. thanks to your super docs and to your pawrents for helping you... and we hope for lots and lots of funny run and playtime sessions...

  2. Hari Om
    Oh yes, that is a reason for thanks, Sunny! I really like these colours on you - Rosy suits the pink, these peaches are yours! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Molly had the librella injection and it helped her for awhile. We hope it helps you for a whole lot longer, Sunny, and you look so pretty in your Autumn finery!

  4. You are so adorable in your candy corn dress, Sunny. We're sorry to hear your leg isn't doing well again, but it's good to know your parents and dogtor have a good solution for you.

  5. Niece Sunny many thankfuls from AC too for finding the perfect dose for you to have lots of quality family time. You dear girl look beautimous today
    Hugs Aunty C

  6. Its always good to look for the upsides Sunny.

  7. It is always better when what is wrong can be fixed with medicine,,

  8. Oh Sunny, you and your legs have not been so lucky. We are happy those two meds are helping you. Lightning was on Carprofen for years and did pretty well with it. Librela wasn't really much good for him, but by the time he tried it he had so much going on with his body. Like you, he also had a torn CCL that the peeps did not opt to repair after his horrible experience with the torn CCL on the other leg. But with several months of leash walking and no stairs and no running, the leg seemed to become stable enough for him to walk on it fairly well. Good luck, sweet girl.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  9. Oh sweet Sunny, that really is a most wonderful thankful. You are such a pretty lady. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. Java Bean: "Ayyy, that is great news, Sunny! Running and playing are very important things! Right, Lulu?"
    Lulu: "Sure sure. Just as soon as I finish a nap." *muttering* "Youngsters ..."

  11. I'm glad your vet and pawrents are so wise and kind and have found a way to help which doesn't involve more pain from a surgery.


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