
Sunny's Thursday Thankfuls

Today, on Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday, I(Sunny) get to mention a special thankful.

Early in September we visited my orthopedist. After doing some X-Rays, the doctor saw that, in additions to my patella problems, I have a torn CCL. I know, I know...you are wondering why this is a thankful, right??

Well, the first thankful is the pawrents are NOT going to put me through any more surgeries. They say I have been through enough after my patella surgeries and there were no guarantees it would help. The biggest thankful is the doctors and pawrents have found the right dosage of librela and carprofen to relieve any pain I might be feeling so I can go outside to run and play with Rosy without getting sore and limpy!

Dog Life is Good!

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



Here and Gone Again

In September, I noticed the froggies coming back to our backyard. Luckily, Mama and I kept this from Sunny so she didn't see...

Unfortunately, by the end of the month we noticed the frogs had disappeared again!

It was pretty suspicious when we started seeing TWO raccoons(we think they are siblings)  around the same time our frog population was decreasing.

Hmmmmm, watch for yourself and let us know what you think Are Rocky and his sister stealing all our froggies??

As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE

Don't worry though...
Super Frog promises to protect next years toad and frog population!

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


Local Travel Tuesday - Balloon Fiesta

Last week was the 52nd annual Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta and, not only did the pawrents attend the opening day of this fun event, the balloons flew over our house almost every single day. This gave me a chance to see them. Rosy is afraid does not like balloons and opted to stay inside during their morning fly overs!!

The balloons lifted off at sunrise, and the pawrents got up at 0 dark thirty and went to Fiesta Park to see them off last Saturday
(October 5th).

Mama said there were LOTS of people there taking pictures. In fact, the ABQ Balloon Fiesta is one of the most photographed events in the world!

Daddy says every one of the people they saw had big smiles on their faces as they watched the balloons prepare for take off.

There is an average of 500 balloons that attend Balloon Fiesta, making for a colorful morning sky!

Mama put together a video of most of the footage she took of the balloons taking off. I warn you though, it is SEVEN minutes long!
So snuggle in, get your human some coffee

...feel free to watch it later HERE , over on our YouTube Channel

As I mentioned, I also got to see the balloons this year. The winds were ever in our favor, resulting in the balloons floating right over out house!

They came in all shapes and so many beautiful colors!

Mama, Daddy and I had such a relaxing time watching the balloon parade float by!

We even got to see them last Sunday, on the final day of the Fiesta!

Here is a shorter video Mama put together of some of the balloons we saw floating over the house! 

As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE

Thanks for joining me for our 2024 ABQ Balloon Fiesta recap. 

You'll most likely see balloon pictures Mama saved appearing here now and then. Be patient with her, in case you couldn't tell, she is a bit obsessed with hot air balloons. It does make her happy though and...
Happy Mama, Happy Life, right? 

We are joining Sandee at Comedy Plus for the 
Happy Tuesday Blog Hop this week!



Big Bow Aaaws

When Monday gets you down, 
put on a big Halloween bow and a smile!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the
Awww Monday Blog Hop!



Hanging Gardens on FFF - Nature Friday

Welcome to Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. While we were in Page AZ, the pawrents went on a hike to see some cool gardens in the middle of the desert!
Even though I wore my sun hat, they still said it was too hot for little black puppies...

While looking through the different hikes to do in Page, the pawrents came across The Hanging Garden Trail. At only 1.5 miles round trip, they thought this trail would be perfect for a warm Arizona morning.

The trail was pretty easy going at the start, with beautiful scenic views of the desert.

After a bit, the rocks got a bit wavy, and the terrain got a little more hilly...

There were cool cairns stacked in different places marking  the trail.
(A cairn is a human-made pile, or stack, of stones raised for a purpose, usually as a marker) 

The pawrents said the temps were in the mid 90s(F) during the hike out and back from the gardens and they were very glad I was staying cool in CeCe...
This raspberry is what I thought about that! 
I am going to make sure to share my opinion about where and when we go on our adventures next year!

Now where was I....
When the pawrents arrived, they were amazed at both the 15 degree drop in temperature AND the beautiful ferns they found growing out of the walls.

They found out that moisture seeps into the sandstone from springs formed by winter rains and snow run off.

Isn't it amazing to see greenery like this.....

and then turn around and see a desert like this???

Here's hoping we get to visit again when it's a bit cooler so that I can tag along!

It's been a rough week here in Blogville, and we want to send lots of love and POTP to a few of our longtime followers and friends....

To Nobby's Gail as she fights illness

To the family of Madison, who went to the Rainbow Bridge
on Tuesday

and to Beau and Mad Snapper(and other friends in Florida) as they recover and clean up from Hurricane Milton's devastation.

We wish all of our friends a Nature filled weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.



Snuggly Thankfuls

As the temperatures get cooler, I am thankful for warm 
lap snuggles with Mama and whatever warm blankie
she is currently crocheting
(or trying to crochet, BOL).

Thank you Angel Brian for hosting the
Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

Today, Mama thought it would be "cute" to dress me up as a chick for  Backyard Wildlife Wednesday. I wasn't sure about it but she had treats so I said ok. 

 This week, we are taking a look at the Gambit Quail we have seen in our backyard the past few months.  We even watched a baby quail chick grow up. 

These cute little birds never fail to make us laugh. Take a look, and let us know if they make you giggle too!
As always, feel free to visit our YouTube Channel HERE

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!