
Best of Nature Fridays - Cherry Blossoms

During the rest of "Relaxed January", we will be reposting some of our most viewed Nature Friday posts of 2024. This March 2024 post was one of our most viewed. I think it is because of my cute cherry blossom smile....
Howdy effuryone! Welcome to Nature Friday, where we can meet some new friends and maybe share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. 
This week, we are letting Mama show off some of the pictures she took of the famous Washington DC Cherry Blossoms.

The pawrents were amazed to have temperatures in the 60s most of the week they were in DC. Between the warm temperatures and rain, the cherry blossoms are making an early appearance!

They're were lots of beautiful pinks and the grass was so green!!

If you know Mama, you know she found some artsy things to frame with the pink blooms

Mama says that cherry blossom pink might just be as pretty as Carribean Blue....

I told her it was much prettier, of course Pink IS my most favorite color!

While the streets looked so pretty lined with pink, Mama said a lot of the cherry blossoms hadn't started to bloom yet or were just starting to bloom

Like this tree along the "National Mall"

In front of the Washington Monument!

All in all, even the beginning of cherry blossom season
looks beautiful and it must be something beautiful to see 
when it's in full swing.

Have you ever been to Washington DC during cherry blossom season?

We hope you all get out and see some blooms this weekend!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Squirrel Shenanigans on Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

Welcome to Backyard Wildlife Wednesday, that day of the week we let Mama share some footage  TC(our Trail Camera) has taken in our backyard. 

With the birdy fountain closed for the Winter, Mama has moved TC to a spot under the bird feeders. We were sitting next to Mama when we saw the following footage......

Can you BELIEVE that sneaky squirrel? 

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


Rubber Duckie Aaawwwws

This year we told Mama we would put  up with Rubber Ducky Day photo shoots this year on one condition.....

No posing in the bath tub!!

Mama agreed...as long as we didn't mind her "transporting" us near water.

We told her as long as we didn't get wet, we didn't care where she posed us, BOL!

Happy Birthday Rubber Duckie!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the 
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Best of 2024 Nature Friday - Happily Every After

 During the rest of "Relaxed January", we will be reposting some of our most viewed Nature Friday posts of 2024. This June 2024 post, in addition to being one of our most viewed, is one of Mama's favorite posts of the year.

Today we wanted to share a story Mama told us the other day. She says the story is true, but we did not view any of the characters with our own eyes and cannot confirm or deny the validity of Mama's "fairy tail"

Once upon a time there was a little raccoon who, while on an evening fence walk with its Mama, fell and got his foot stuck in between the slats in the backyard of two cute little Lhasa Apso princesses.

The Mama of the cute Lhasa princesses, while not letting them see the raccoon, freed the cute woodland creature using a shovel to loosen the slat of the fence and release his foot.

Sunny: Rosy, how come we didn't know any of this happened.
Rosy: I still think it's a fairy tail Sunny, but there was that day last week where Mama only let us go outside on leash..but I don't know how we could have missed seeing or smelling the little guy.

After his foot was released, the cute little raccoon went and hid behind 
a hose keeper to escape the sun and maybe to hide from the fierce Lhasa Apso sisters that were rumored to occupy the backyard.

The raccoon hung out behind the hose keeper all afternoon. The Mama of the Lhasa Apso warrior princesses got a little worried that the story was not going to have a happy ending but she left the little raccoon alone hoping he would move along during the evening(raccoons are nocturnal). 

The trail camera was set up to keep an eye on the little raccoon and what happened that night was amazing. 

Just look at this little video and see....

You can also view the movie HERE on our YouTube Channel too!

That's right, Mama raccoon came to retrieve the baby, and we are very thankful to say every raccoon lived happily ever after. 

I'm  still am not convinced it's a true story though. Come on Sunny, let's head outside to sniff around that hose keeper!

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.


Scrub Jay on Backyard Wildlife Wednesday

 Welcome to Backyard Wildlife Wednesday, that day of the week we let Mama share some footage  TC(our Trail Camera) has taken in our backyard. Today, we're going take a look at a cute little Scrub Jay who visited the fountain last Autumn.

He visited in the Autumn of 2023 too.  He doesn't stick around long, but Mama is always glad when he stops by!

We are joining  Comedy Plus for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop! Thanks to Sandee for hosting!


Resting Up

Lambie and I think resting up is a good idea!

During January, our blogging schedule will vary a bit. While we will have a new Backyard Wildlife Wednesday every week, and Best of  Nature Fridays(we still will have new blog hops weekly), the rest of our schedule will be pretty relaxed. Mostly, this is because Mama needs to "reboot" her creativity for the year. So if you don't see us around as much, don't worry, we will be back to our full time schedule in February!

We're joining Comedy Plus for the 
Awww Monday Blog Hop!


Backyard Browns on Nature Friday

Welcome to Nature Friday, where we get to meet new friends and share a picture or two of what nature looks like around Blogville. We are entering the final couple of "Nature neutral colored months" here in the High Desert. This week I though it would be fun to see what colors we are seeing in our backyard this month!

We aren't sure why, but these pretty yellow leaves are still holding on to the apple tree....

Looks like a squirrel left his apple core up in the tree too.  Mama likes the shiny orange/red colors, so she left it there for now.
The birdies are a bit upset with the pawrents for closing the fountain down for the season.
(It is in need of some Winter maintenance, but should be up and running in a few months)

...and look up there...

A cute little birdy sunbathing on the old satellite dish!

There are still a few crabby apples the birds haven't found in our crabby apple tree .

....and finally, our Texas Yucca seed pods are opening up and letting the birds and wind spread their seeds!
Gotta run...Mama says it's dinnertime!

We hope you all get out and find some nature this weekend!

In Memory of Gail  

Show us your nature! It can be flowers, your current weather, a scene out of your window, or maybe a picture from a vacation, walk or other journey! Any kind of nature picture will do! If you don't see a link below, click HERE  to go to our Hoppity Page.