
Game Night!

 We can't think of a better way to relax in Blogville, than an evening of games and friendly competition!!

Uh oh, looks like Sarge and Prissy are resorting to extreme tactics in order to win the couples ping pong final against Frankie and Abby!

 While Whitley and her team finish their turn at the pool table, Easy has romance on his mind!!

 Millie is taking Walter to the cleaners in poker!! Looks like he is going to be doing the chores around their house for all of 2016!

Lightning is showing Bentley and Jake how to the play the newest video game! Having little peeps come over has lots of benefits!!

 As twister games go, this one is getting pretty interesting as Leah plants a big kiss on Chester!!!

But wait, there are more games and hijinks!! Head on over at Murphy and Stanley's for more F-U-N!!


  1. to write love-mails in the moonlight is the best thing ever... and it's totally romantic, right? 4 Aces Millie... wow you have the paw for the cards... :o)

  2. Games nights are great fun! And the twister one looked fantastic!

  3. Sure is a lot going on over there! Looks like real fun!

  4. Oh my stars Dory you and your bros and your assistant have given Game night a new meaning!!
    Great joy on the comment bubbles. Of course we cats have built in pool cues!!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. Lady is laughing that Hailey and Phod are in the pool game, because the night the Man and I met, we went to play pool!

  6. Walter is sure Millie was cheating in that card game. Everyone looks like they are having a great time...well except for Frankie being scared by that snow freak.

  7. Lightning, Mom wants to know if any of your furiends want to challenge her in a game of WWF. Meanwhile we can see you are having a great time there with Bentley and Jake - have you taught them any of your hunting skills yet? We sure hope you are behaving:)

  8. Glad to see there are no chaperones
    Lily & Edward

  9. Hey Dory!
    Wow, you and the Doods have arranged for the bestest week of hijinks! Game time is a super idea. I couldn't resist poking Frankie's cage with a little snowfreak action. BTW: That's melted freak on the table....don't want anyone to think an "accidentent" happened there. BOL I'll wipe it up as soon as I quit laughing.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  10. Hey - I think those kitties are cheating in pool. Sitting on the table and "helping" the balls into the right slots.

  11. Holy Gwalk a MOLEY.... these are super DUPER fun games... butt we can tell that...(AS USUAL) some of them are getting a bit Outta PAW here... Like the Card Game and the KISSES and ... the SNOW FREAK that Sarge threw in... OMD this is SOOOOOO much fun... even if some of the games are a bit... TWISTERed. BaaaaWaaaah.

  12. thank for the laughs this morning. all the players are so sweet.. and getting along well with each other.. i want to steal Frankie and ernie comment Holy Gwalk a Moley is this fun

  13. OMD, Jessie shouldn't be viewing such things as her tender age! Can't a pup even play an innocent game of Twister anymore?? Siiiiiigh!

  14. It is a good thing that Bentley is getting some video game tips from an expert. I stopped playing after Pong! BOL! BOL!

  15. Holy game night! Everyone is having a great time and I am most of all enjoying all the time I get to spend with you Dory
    Mr Bailey

    Pee es
    I can't wait for you to be the fairy in my dreams tonight

  16. Hari Om
    oh my - fun and games of all sorts!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  17. Oh, no! I wonder if Millie could see Walter's cards in his glasses?!?!

  18. Ghostwriter here. Chester, you'd better be careful Leah's Daddy doesn't find out!! Remember: be on your best behavior!

  19. What a great game night! That twister game looks like it is getting a little frisky!

  20. I love game night!! It is so much fun. Thank you so much for doing this, you are the best Aunt ever.

    Ziggy Out!

  21. MOL you sure we were playing pool or just batting the balls around the table ;)

    Ginger, Matt & Matilda


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